Wednesday, June 29, 2011

megan fox thumb nail

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  • quot;Megan-Foxquot; at Hollywood Life

  • Macaca
    12-11 08:31 PM
    Congress Has Been Stymied By Bush, Republicans ( By REUTERS, December 11, 2007

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush wants it known the U.S. Congress has been asleep at the switch since Democrats took over in January. The only problem is that he and his fellow Republicans have flipped off the switch at nearly every turn, Democrats say.

    "The end of 2007 is approaching fast and the new Congress has little to show for it," Bush told reporters in the White House Rose Garden last week.

    Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, was even less generous. "Nothing has been accomplished all year," he said.

    As they excoriate political opponents, Bush and his fellow Republicans in Congress have successfully stopped most major Democratic initiatives this year.

    They have staged an unprecedented number of "filibusters" in the Senate, where Democrats do not have a big enough majority to end debate. The few times that wasn't the case, Bush used his veto pen to kill Democrats' top priorities, like ending the Iraq war, expanding health care to children from low-income families and expanding stem cell research.

    "Sadly, Republicans in Washington are determined to make this a 'no-can-do' Congress," Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, said in his party's weekly radio address on Saturday.

    With only a week or two remaining in the first half of 110th Congress that convened in January, there's a deflated feeling on Capitol Hill.

    Democrats and Republicans complain not enough has been accomplished. The public seems to agree, with just one in five Americans approving of the job Congress is doing, even worse than the unpopular Bush's ratings.

    The legislative deadlock might get even worse next year, as election campaigns for Congress and the presidency get into full swing.

    Ethan Siegal of the Washington Exchange, a private group that tracks Congress, said of Republicans' opposition tactics: "The template for trying to get into power is to make sure the party in charge doesn't have many legislative successes."

    But even many Republicans think accusations of a "do-nothing" Democratic Congress won't be enough for their party to win back their majority status in the November 2008 elections.


    Democrats quickly fulfilled many of their 2006 campaign promises, raising the minimum wage for the first time in a decade, implementing stalled recommendations of the commission that investigated the September 11 attacks and trying to stop ethics abuses that plagued Congress during years of Republican leadership.

    Republicans blocked many other measures.

    A top domestic priority -- reforming U.S. immigration law -- was buried by conservative Republicans in the House. On foreign affairs, Republicans killed repeated moves to bring combat in Iraq to an end, despite Americans' disenchantment with a war now in its fifth year. Anti-war feeling was a driving factor behind the Democrats' success in last year's elections.

    Popular legislation to expand stem cell research to help cure diseases such as Parkinson's was vetoed by Bush, as was a bill to deliver health care to more children from low-income families.

    More recently, the House passed an energy bill that would improve automobile fuel efficiency for the first time in 32 years but Senate Republicans, heeding a White House veto threat, stopped it.

    And Bush has veto threats on the remaining bills to fund the government through next September.

    He recently told Arkansas business leaders: "You're fixing to see what they call a fiscal showdown in Washington."

    But despite the bluster, Bush and congressional Democrats are at odds over a relatively tiny slice, about $11 billion, of the nearly $3 trillion budget.

    Negotiations between the two finally have begun, but a compromise -- some war funding coupled with some of the additional domestic spending Democrats want -- was showing signs of souring this week, again amid accusations of Republican sabotage. There's plenty of incentive for a deal though as neither side wants government shutdowns to begin if agencies run out of money this month.

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  • Megan Fox on Allure

  • vdlrao
    02-24 05:23 PM
    There are total of 24,692 companies got approved for H1B in 2008. The top 200 companies itself got 34,396 approvals.

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  • Glog thumbnail

  • seip
    10-10 02:02 PM
    Hi all,
    Has everyone filed on or after August 10 th and has recvd a notice of action (I797)?
    Also, do you know if we have to do the Fingerprints before we get the EAD or do USCIS sent EAD and then request fingerprints ? Thanks!!

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  • Glog thumbnail

  • theOne
    01-29 08:26 PM
    I have a gc. Can I sponsor my parents for GC ?



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  • Megan Fox has released her

  • newuser
    08-11 08:13 AM
    I think its official now...

    Visa Bulletin for September 2010 (

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  • pictures pictures Megan Fox

  • sumanitha
    05-05 03:30 PM

    Is it possible to apply for a Green card for my parents if I am a Green card holder?



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  • Megan Fox has the phrase quot;We

  • anonymous
    04-07 04:33 PM
    Hello Friends,
    The situation is my GC application is ongoing, while I am presently working on EAD(based on husband's application). If I change my job, within the same company, and move from one job family to another(within IT itself), what is the impact to,
    a) GC process
    b) EAD

    I would appreciate any advice.

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  • Megan Fox at Nickelodeon#39;s

  • michellezbb
    04-18 10:31 PM
    I saw a thread creatted by IV about how to open a company when 485 pending yesterday, but I couldn't find it now. Anyone can help? tons of thanks


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  • Glog thumbnail

  • saddaypally
    12-28 10:47 PM
    Hello, My parents on B1 visa just entered the US a few days ago. This is their 2nd visit. I extended their stay beyond the given 6 months when they came last time. My mother got a 6 months term on her I-94 this time which is ok but my dad was granted only 60 days of entry and he said the immigration officer has marked in Black marker pen saying "No Extention" on his I-94 card. The justification they gave was that they were unable to find his previous extension, but if they were unable to find his extension, how could they even permit his entry in the first place since overstaying without extension would be illegal.

    My question is with "No extionsion" marked in writing on my father's I-94, could I apply for his extension beyond the granted 60 days?

    Please answer this question so that I can take the needed action.


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  • 2010 megan fox thumb disease.

  • srinivasj
    07-07 01:38 PM
    Yes, you need to get the difference in fees. HDFC knows about this and will issue a new colored fee slip.

    Thanks they issue a new receipt number too..? or can I still use my old one just in case if dates open up...?


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  • iaquil
    06-02 10:24 PM

    I am on L1B with I94 expiring on April 2012 from Company X, I found an employer Company Y who will file my H1B in June/July 2011 under premium processing. If H1B is approved then:
    1. Can I work under Company X till Sep end and join Company Y from 1st Oct without any hassel?
    2. Will my status will change automatically from L1 to H1 from Oct 1st onwards?
    3. Will my new H1b will be valid until April 2012 only? as my current i94 (on L1B) is till April 2012?
    4. I can travel to India and return in Sep 2011 using my existing L1B? Will there be any problem in port of entry? I have traveled using L1B to-from India multiple times, but I am concerned now because I will be having H1b approved along with L1B.
    5. Is there anything special I have to ask the employer before filing H1b so I can go and return from India on my L1b status?

    Will appreciate response.

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  • ilyaslamasse
    03-11 05:09 PM
    In Kirupa's tutorial about that rotating square, we eventually export our animation as a swf. Isn't there a way to export it as a fla that we can manipulate afterwards ??

    pom 0] , totally new to Swift.


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  • megan fox thumb double.

  • sanjay02
    08-08 12:44 AM
    Since ur I-485 is approved which means you will get Green card in abt week to 10 days they have denied EAD. So there is nothing to be concerned.

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  • Megan Fox Armani

  • Breezestorm
    06-23 08:16 PM
    Yes, you can apply for EAD/AP after they expire!


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  • Blog Feeds
    05-22 01:20 AM
    The Washington Post reports on data released from the Border Patrol. Among the findings: - The number of Border Patrol agents has more than doubled from 9,000 in 2001 to 20,000 this year - 626 miles of the border with Mexico are now covered by fencing and vehicle barriers which is about half of the planned coverage on the 2000 mile border. - Border arrests are down from nearly 1.75 million in 2000 to 723,000 over the past year While the economy obviously plays a role, the dramatic uptick in enforcement sure is playing a role and Senator Schumer's contention...

    More... (

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  • images megan fox thumb double,

  • Bogdan
    07-03 07:52 PM

    Based on what I know, the medical exam has to be less than 1 year old on the date of I-485 application submission. However, I have seen different opinions on this forum. Some state that the exam date cannot be more than 30 days before I-485 submission, because the HIV test and syphyllis test (sorry if not typed correctly) are valid for 30 days only. Could anyone clarify this, please?

    Thanks in advance.



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  • Any thumbnail to videos

  • Blog Feeds
    09-18 06:10 PM
    The Thai Community Development Center (Thai CDC) was founded in 1994 by leading human rights activist, Chanchanit Martorell, on the idea that all peoples have a basic right to a decent standard of living and quality of life. Yet, in the Thai and other disadvantaged communities, people are living in substandard housing and lack access to basic health services, education and quality employment. As a social change organization engaged in human rights advocacy and broad based community development, the Thai CDC seeks to empower the most vulnerable and economically disadvantaged members of the Thai community. They include poor recent immigrants,...

    More... (

    girlfriend Megan Fox Armani megan fox thumb nail. quot;Megan-Foxquot; at Hollywood Life
  • quot;Megan-Foxquot; at Hollywood Life

  • a1b2c3
    07-02 08:45 PM
    Edison residents, officials outraged by Time magazine column about Indian immigrants | (

    Do a satirical piece on hispanics first before picking on low skilled indian immigrants in Edison. Not only do hispanics breed like rabbits (just count the number of kids you see in a hispanic family) some of them act as if they own america.

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  • webm
    09-23 03:23 PM
    UH! Interesting..Why is that difference this time and did Mumbai visa mistakenly has put China EB3 date? But 'i hope US Visa bulletin Oct09 they will correct it to 22FEB02 for India EB3?..Let's pray!

    Guru's..please comment.

    12-10 09:00 PM
    yes you do - they process it pretty quickly. check out

    07-26 09:43 AM
    I read some posts on this forum that some people have successfully changed their EB category. Please help answer my question.THANKs.

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