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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-19 12:43 PM
    I see that most of the people who initially responded to my first post about the southern california state chapters have some recent activity i.e. they have visited this website in the last 2 days after my last posting requesting you to e-mail me about your availability for a conference call today. Not one of you has responded to my request to e-mail me.

    I just want to make you all aware that IV core members can do a limited amount of work. They are definitely not superhumans although we expect them to be as such. If we fail in our efforts to secure any retrogression relief we will have only ourselves to blame in such a situation. Besides this is a very ripe time to be active and talk to politicians here in Southern California region. I would like to reschedule the conference call for the coming week/weekend depending on your availability.

    In the end our best intentions and best wishes are not going to get us the immigration relief we want. We also cannot blame IV core team if we do not start working and lending them a hand. The choice is clearly ours. I hope that all of us will be more forthcoming and open to spending some time on IV work in the future.



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  • Jaime
    09-13 12:36 AM

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  • gc_buddy
    09-12 10:02 AM
    The mere things that we are trying to use in the campaign do not cost more than $10.

    Guys, Every penny is worth spending. Try looking back at the flower campaign that we did back in July 2007 and the magic it made..

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  • pappu
    04-29 02:57 PM
    As the CIR bill outline is getting introduced today, we all need to do our share in making our voice heard. Our issues are real and affect about a million people patiently waiting in line for past several years. We are high-skilled immigrants who have followed all the rules and contribute significantly to the innovation and economy of this county. Our strength is our grassroots efforts, so let us all call our lawmakers and ask them to take immediate action on the immigration bill.

    Call your Legislators:

    Immigration Voice is organizing a nationwide call-the-lawmakers drive. We request members to call each and every senator and congress member. This drive will precede the ‘Advocacy Day(s)’ in Washington, DC and ‘Meet the lawmaker’ drive in local districts. Members can use this phone call conversation with their local lawmaker offices to follow-up with lawmakers when they meet during the break just after the Memorial day.

    Don’t miss this opportunity:

    This is the perfect time to call the lawmakers. The bill needs a push via support from people like us and all lawmakers needs to be encouraged and urged to help us. There are indications that there will be lot of activity on immigration issues in both House and Senate after the Memorial day. We need to make those activities go in our favor and not die like the CIR bill in 2006 & 2007. Thus it is important to starting calling lawmakers, starting from the Senate members. In order to capitalize on this opportunity, it is very important that everyone calls every lawmaker of this country. The similar next opportunity will be in 2013. We can participate now or we will all have ourselves to blame.

    This campaign starts today at 4:00 PM EST on 29th April, 2010) (Today) and will run until the end of next week. All IV members are encouraged to make multiple phone calls whenever they find some time during the day.


    This is the order in which we would prefer that members call. Call all the senators listed here, even if they are not from your state.

    This is the list of offices where there is maximum potential to swing votes either because they are new in the US senate or because they may be reconsidering their position on CIR if the bill has stricter provisions in it.


    Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts)
    (202) 224-4543

    Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire)
    (202) 224-3324

    Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)
    (202) 224-4814

    Senator Michael Enzi (R-Wyoming)
    (202) 224-3424

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
    (202) 224-5972

    Senator John Ensign (R-Nevada)
    (202) 224-6244

    Senator Orin Hatch (R-Utah)
    (202) 224-5251

    Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-2934

    Senator John Kyl (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-4521

    Senator Mitch Mcconnell (R-Kentuky)
    (202) 224-2541

    Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota)
    (202) 224-3244

    Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri)
    (202) 224-6154

    Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana)
    (202) 224-2644

    Senator Jim Webb (D-Virginia)
    (202) 224-4024

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island)
    (202) 224-2921

    What you could say to the Senator offices listed above:

    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:

    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform proposal released a few days back.

    I am calling to express my support for the high skilled provisions to resolve the current green card backlogs of the doctors, engineers, research scientist and professors etc. This group of highly skilled immigrants stimulates every part of the economy participating in creating economic prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship for creating more jobs in America.

    I strongly urge the Senator to please support this proposal. If it is possible, could you please share the position of the Senator on the recently released (last week) Comprehensive Immigration Reform proposal?

    Thank you and I am counting on the Senator’s support for this very important issue of national importance. Please convey regards to the Senator.
    If you belong to the constituency (State) of the lawmaker, then tell them that you belong to their district/state and are calling to seek their help. If you are talking to a Senator office then tell them you are anxiously waiting for a Senators support for the immigration bill.

    Then ask: What is the lawmaker’s position on immigration proposal? If the position is
    - Supportive: Then thank the lawmaker office for it.

    - If they oppose it: Then request them to support the high skilled green card provisions of the bill that will greatly help you. You sincerely hope that the lawmaker will reconsider his/her position and help you.

    Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Question What if some Senators say they do not support amnesty. -

    Answer "For last 10 years there has been no High-skilled immigration bill passed by the Congress. The world has changed in last 10 years. I understand that the Senator is a champion for creating more jobs in America. Employment based green cards will create jobs in America. I want to start my own company and hire people in America. But I cannot do that if I don't have a green card.

    I would sincerely request you to please convey to the Senator if he would consider supporting some version of the immigration
    giving more weight to green cards and creating jobs in America, or maybe the Senator could lead the effort for improving the proposal"


    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada)
    (202) 224-3542

    Senator Dick Durbin (Illinois)
    (202) 224-2152

    Senator Chuck Schumer (New York)
    (202) 224-6542

    Senator Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
    (202) 224-4242

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (California)
    (202) 224-3841

    Senator Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
    (202) 224-4744

    Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland)
    (202) 224-4524


    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:
    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform proposal due to be introduced later in the day today.

    Thank you for the Senator’s leadership on this very important issue of immigration. Please convey my gratitude, full support and regards to the Senator.

    Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Stick to the message and you will really make a big difference.

    Please post the outcome of your call on this thread. For more information please contact IV.

    Thank You,

    Immigration Voice


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  • smisachu
    09-28 10:38 PM
    If this is indeed true then we must high light this and make it our next issue. This is a poster child of USCIS's careless work and sloppyness.

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  • susie
    07-06 12:01 AM
    Ref cspa and age outs

    I have a lawsuit filed for cspa and awaiting outcome

    Suing Attorney General, Goeff Gorsky head of VO opinions section at dept of state, Evelyn Upchurh of TSC

    They have 60 day to reply from end March 07, then requested additonal 30 days which my immigration attorney agreed to for professional ethics.

    So we were at 90 at end Jun 07 and the day before the lawyer for attorney engeral called my lawyer,

    Apparently my case file is very thin and as of that Date Geoff Gorsky had not replied to his own attorney!! Their attorney has requesed yet another 30 days and stated on the phone to my lawyer that he wants a resolution to my sons case. For more info go to

    But will update here when I get any news


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  • bombay
    02-09 09:39 PM
    When a girl comes to US for a job as a nurse and starts earning a good salary. The parents try to get some money from her. they build good house to make a show. Once the money starts pouring in, the (brother)son wants to do some business, build a house, the relatives start. My wifes relatives (dad's sisters) called up for money. " you guys are earning good in US, we want to build a house. When can you send me couple of lakhs".
    I hate south indian nurses who came to US alone for jobs and more than that their parents who send them to earn money. I married a south indian nurse. The expectation from a daugther is more than a son because they tell their daughters once you become a nurse and go to US/UK or elsewhere i will start a business. "Our neighbour's daughter is in UK and they have a good house." Another great thing is once the girl is a nurse, guys come running to marry them and enjoy their life raising kids and the wife works at the hospital. I know several guys who got a green card through a nurse, works part time and take care of the kids. In that case the girl buys property at her dads house settles under her dad's wishes and should not do so when they married a person who earns the same salary as hers.
    I really don't understand the meaning of marriage if its like a slavery.

    My suggestion to those who are not married,
    Marriage is very good if both of them know their responsibilities. Before marriage know each other for more than 3 years then get married. talk about whats their thinking about marriage. IS she going to change her last name after marriage. This seems small but the surroundings make the life miserable after some years. How are you going to control the finances etc..
    As one of the old hindi dialogues, before marriage ... like moon(chand), after marriage .. like suraj (sun) and after having a baby - like a fire(juala).

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  • ashutrip
    06-22 10:35 PM
    Is it true that people who have applied in march are per on blog website.....March applications are on hold....they have divided the applications in two batches
    1. Jan thru March
    2. April thru June
    if its tru its bad news for we march guys


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  • pankajkakkar
    09-11 11:46 AM
    through Google Checkout.

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  • gchopes
    12-12 05:10 PM
    the visa bulletin song for EB2/3 I...yeh jo des hai tera..pardes hain tera...


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  • chanduv23
    10-24 03:19 PM
    jsut follweod up with my lawyer and Iwas told that my old company doesnot usaully revoke 140's unless the person left the company b4 the setforth dates as part of GC agreement (4yrs or b4 getting gc ) or the person discharged for some other reason...

    HOWEVER i am still not taking chances and am participating int his campn. and alreay sent email as requested..tx guys

    Lets none of us assume that if ex employer does not revoke 140 we are fine. We must ensure that erroneous denials are stopped.

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-15 09:25 AM
    New Day today.

    Good morning everyone. Let's get back to making this campaign a roaring success. We need new High Fives today people. All those IV brothers and sisters who havent yet contributed their $5.00, please do so. It is a great cause and lets face it, IV is the ONLY organization of the legal immigrants, by the legal immigrants, AND FOR the legal immigrants ONLY.

    Also let us remember to update our signatures and include a link to this thread.


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  • billu
    08-24 10:21 PM
    i had put up the previous two posts on this page asking about relief for Schedule A professionals in 2008......time has passed by but nothing has sight of any relief or any schedule A bill........missed the july 2007 fiasco due to employer insisting on 40 day cool off period........have been in US for 6 sign of EB3 india being even close to Oct 2007 (my PD)........employer has refused to file EB2 point other employer ready for EB2........spouse on h4 visa since oct. 2006......have lost all hope and just going through the there light at the end of tunnel???

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    06-14 05:15 PM


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  • chisinau
    11-02 12:28 PM

    I have learned that the immigration provisions that would have created 61,000 additional green cards for nurses as well as added a $3500 fee to H-1B visas have not survived the conference committee and will not be a part of the bill sent to the President (which he is set to veto). There is much speculation as to why this happened. Many people were deeply troubled by the H-1B and its impact on non-profit and smaller employers. In order to allow Senator Grassley to save face, the push was made to strip all immigration provisions out, even though the H-1B fee opponents likely supported the nurses. We also understand the California Nurses Association, the most vocal anti-immigration nursing group in the country, worked behind the scenes to try and kill the nursing provision. Nice that they care so much about their patients and would rather push death rates up rather than immediately dealing with the nursing crisis.

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  • gc28262
    03-04 12:58 PM
    See the link


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  • gc28262
    07-06 09:14 AM
    I think it is time we threw away the concept that democracy is the best.
    Look at Obama the socialist and anti-immigrant law makers in this country who are playing to the gallery. Are they doing any good for this country ?

    I always prefer an open self nominated leader to a democratically elected leader.

    OP should work with IV core/even get involved in a serious conversation with core team to promote his ideas. I am sure core is open to suggestions and entertain discussions from well meaning members.

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  • johnnybhai
    07-14 01:18 PM
    Mahatma - I could post the details here, but then it will be all over the place and wont get updated in case of changes. So please refer the 'Contribute Now' tab and look for Checks.

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  • Saralayar
    08-11 03:09 PM
    Can someone start a new thread with poll for the July 17th - Aug 17th filers?. I am not able to start a new thread.

    04-01 04:48 PM
    I'm not saying we don't have rights, but what you are asking are the internal workings of a government agency.

    You can't even vote. You can't even just change employers without hassle. You can't even just leave the country and come without proper documents. You can't even apply for a student loan. You can be deported any time you have a problem. You can't even renew your driver's license without showin proof of proper residency.

    Even with GC your rights are still not as good as a US citizen.

    Yes we do have rights.

    But the government is only answerable to a certain level. You cannot ask for information of the internal workings of a government. That's not going to happen.

    We are the USCIS's customers. They wouldn't exist without us. We have a right to make sure that they are being run effectively and efficiently. They have a responsibility to be transparent in their operations, because without that transparency there can be no accountability.

    I don't believe that asking about government processes is beyond our rights. Sure we may not be US citizens, but if an American was in my country being given the run-around by a government organization in my country, I would expect that my country would answer their questions too.

    04-30 02:26 PM
    The link got working again, but nothing is happening as of yet.

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