Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • arnab221
    06-21 01:54 PM
    I am just hoping we do not mis the July Bus :cool:

    Relax Buddy , now that the bus has come they will keep coming .Most of the people will go in this bus. The dates will retrogress for some time and will be current maybe next year . If not this bus then the next bus . No use raising your blood pressure for this . Attorneys and the media have a habit of scaring people unnecessarily . This Current date is not the end of the world , so take a chill pill ..

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  • makemygc
    07-06 01:01 PM
    My lawyer told me that they are working on something to accept all applications which reached on july ... lets hope he is right.

    Dude enough of your and your lawyer's crap. I just checked your last post. This is what you claim your lawyer said and this was posted couple of days back.


    I called my lawyer he said the are accepting applications which reached there before 12:15. does anybody have news like that or he just lying....

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  • unseenguy
    02-13 10:06 PM
    This is the message I have got from this guy....

    I have contributed more than $500 to IV. I am not sure I want green card anymore. Thanks.

    Just another junk in IV

    Why are you not posting other messages from me, kiddo. MS + 1 yr. LOL. What an experienced and talented guy :)

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  • Milind123
    09-13 05:56 AM
    Just contributed one time $100 thru' paypal.
    Web Accept Payment Sent (ID # 3BC32596YD273123L)

    Thankyou nomad. Just one more newbee shooter. Remember your one dollar is like contributing 3 dollars.


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  • lonedesi
    08-05 11:20 AM
    I saw your post last night and have some changes in mind for the NSC letter. But right now I'm working on having the 7001 piece out from my employer - hope others are doing that as well.

    Thanks again for the initiative - Its always better to speak up about your pain rather than remaining silent.


    Please feel free to change or modify the letter to suit your situation. Do whatever you need to do, but make sure you mail out the letter & the form soon. Also, encourage others in similar situation to take the time to mail the letters & form soon.

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  • hiralal
    05-29 12:05 AM
    if your loan is denied while on EAD ..count yourself as lucky !!!
    my advice careful before you take a plunge when on EAD or on temporary visa (H1).
    MONDAY, MAY 25, 2009
    The Housing Hurricane Will Howl Again
    This is only a lull in the housing hurricane.

    WE'RE OUT OF THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE, but here comes the back half of the storm. A lot of people think that we've seen the worst of the housing crisis. They're talking about green shoots and glimmers of hope, when they should be back in the storm shelter, preparing for a flood of inventory that will overwhelm the markets and produce another round of falling prices

    For the past few months there has been a semi-moratorium on foreclosures. Most institutions with delinquent mortgages didn't foreclose. The signs that blanket many neighborhoods have been posted by a fraction of the lenders. Now the rest of the banks are rushing to get their properties on the market.
    Christoph Hitz for Barron's
    We're still supporting misguided programs that only add to inventory woes. They encourage builders to put up more homes and penalize anyone else trying to sell a home.

    As a Florida real-estate broker who works with bank asset managers to dispose of foreclosed properties, I get a good view of this market. From December 2008 through mid-March 2009, the number of asset managers calling to discuss REO (real estate owned) properties on their client banks' books dropped by more than 80% from the level at which it previously had been running. In the past two months, however, asset managers have been busy, with most interested in how many properties we could handle at once.

    Law firms for banks are once again lining up to file foreclosures and to process evictions. The asset managers we work with have warned us to expect a flood of properties, beginning in early June. This will hit as the number of potential buyers continues to dwindle. Builders, traditional sellers and investors who entered too early are already loaded with REO properties.

    ALL OF THE OBAMA administration's attempts to revive, resuscitate and shock the housing markets into recovery have failed. Potential buyers can't purchase homes when they are losing their jobs, regardless of how attractive the credits and mortgages are. The price of homes will continue to fall until the properties are affordable for potential buyers.

    If an investor could purchase a home and rent it out for close to breakeven, we might be getting close to a bottom. But we are nowhere close to that level in most critical markets. Until it is approached, prices will continue to fall. In fact, the negative cash flow now evident, along with the flood of properties coming into the inventory pool, warn of lower prices.

    There's no light at the end of the tunnel yet. We're still supporting builders through misguided programs that are only adding to the inventory woes. California decided to offer a $10,000 credit to buyers of new homes, on top of the $8,000 federal credit. But California made the $10,000 available only for new homes purchased directly from builders. That shows the power of the builders' lobby, but it only adds to California's housing-industry problem. It encourages builders to construct dwellings we don't need, and it penalizes anyone else trying to sell a home.

    Housing inventory soon will flood a market in which more than 500,000 homes are being built each year, even though the annual sales pace for new homes is closer to 300,000. We must also deal with a system clogged with impossible short sales, a surge of second and vacation homes being dumped, and third-wave flippers realizing that they entered the market too soon.

    FOR THE BANKS, the back half of the hurricane will destroy balance sheets, unless the Obama administration comes up with another plan to mythically mark these assets on the books. Or we might see some chimerical plan to write down mortgage payments, or move toxic mortgages into a dark pool, or create some new illusion that glosses over the problem.

    Our experience with banks' selling REOs is they realize about 50%-75% of what they initially think they will get. Moreover, their expenses to bring these properties to market and manage them are growing. Court systems bogged down with foreclosures are raising fees so that they can hire additional staff. More and more homeowners being evicted are stripping homes to the bone, removing appliances, fixtures, carpet, cabinets, air handlers, motorized garage-door openers and anything else that they can carry off or sell.

    Unemployment presents a two-pronged problem. If homeowners lose their jobs, they have difficulty meeting mortgage payments. And a high jobless rate forces more people to put their homes on the market.

    During the housing bubble, many second homes were purchased with the mythical equity from primary residences. These second homes are coming onto the market at an alarming rate, as many middle- and upper-class sellers need to raise cash. In some very exclusive private communities in Florida, where home prices are in the seven figures, more than 50% of the homes are on the market. (For more on the vacation-home market, see Cover Story.)

    Unfortunately, there are no signs of recovery, despite the hype and the twisting of numbers in many media reports. The end of the unofficial moratorium on foreclosures, combined with rising unemployment, signals that the back half of this housing hurricane is only just beginning.


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  • h1techSlave
    10-01 11:11 AM
    It is so confusing that I do not know how to explain the whole thing.

    Here is a small sample.

    In 2002 all the EB visas were issued(174,968). However, there were 31,532 unused family preference visas, so the limit for 2003 was 171,532 (140,000 + 31,532).

    Guess what, in 2003 they only approved 82,137 EB visas, so they ended up with 88,482 unused EB visas

    Great find, Andy. Based on your explanation, I can say that our real problem is not the lack of visa numbers. There are enough visa numbers, but USCIS is not utilizing them.

    This also tells me that an increase in visa numbers to 290,000 (or what ever number that the SKILL bill is asking for) would NOT change the situation a little bit. The end result only will be that the USCIS will end up with more number of unused visas.

    Can the IV community do some thing to improve the whole situation?

    I am seeing two specific bottlenecks.
    1. Delay in USCIS to process applications. This is an area, that we can do something. And I am already seeing a huge improvement from USCIS in terms of fast processing.
    2. Delay in FBI namecheck. Again this is an area we can do something. I don't know what, but there should be something that we can do. Many of my friends have been writing to Laura Bush explaining their FBI namecheck bottleneck and a few of them got positive results.

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  • beppenyc
    03-16 10:51 AM

    Senators debate immigrant worker measure

    Associated Press
    Mar. 16, 2006 09:35 AM

    WASHINGTON - Senators writing a major immigration law overhaul bill moved Thursday toward accepting an approach under which undocumented immigrants could stay in the United States while working toward permanent residence and eventual citizenship.

    Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., stressed that his plan moving through the Senate Judiciary Committee would not constitute an amnesty, a policy rejected by the Bush administration and most Americans, according to polls. Kennedy said it would not give the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally any advantage over the 3 million living overseas while waiting for a decision on green card applications.

    Committee Chairman Arlen Specter said the panel would consider the proposal put forward by Kennedy and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., when it reconvenes on March 27 after a weeklong recess. advertisement

    Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., has made clear that immigration reform will be on the chamber's floor that week, regardless of whether the Judiciary Committee comes up with a comprehensive bill.

    Congress, at the urging of President Bush, has made comprehensive immigration reform a top priority for this election-year session, pushing forward proposals combining immigration enforcement, a guest worker program and a policy toward people living in the country illegally.

    The future treatment of undocumented immigrants, Kennedy said, "really is the heart and soul of this whole undertaking."

    The McCain-Kennedy plan would allow those in the country illegally to obtain six-year nonimmigrant visas under which they could work in the country and travel outside the country. They would have to pay a $1,000 fine and undergo background checks.

    After six years, the immigrant who pays back taxes, is learning English and pays an additional $1,000 fine can apply for a green card, or permanent residency.

    Specter, R-Pa., said the committee would vote on a version of the McCain-Kennedy proposal on the 27th. There would also be a vote on the chief alternative, offered by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., that would give undocumented immigrants up to five years to leave the country. These immigrants could apply from their home country to return, either as temporary workers or for permanent residency.

    "Our intention is not to strand anyone outside the country," Kyl said. But he said that the McCain-Kennedy plan would give an undocumented immigrant allowed to stay and work in the country a "huge advantage" over a person having to wait for years in his or her own country for a green card.

    But with Democrats, and several Republicans, on the committee behind McCain-Kennedy, it appeared to have the edge.

    Cornyn and Kennedy said they would work over the recess next week on the structure of a guest worker program, which would start out with 400,000 visas. The committee is also expected to take up a separate provision for temporary agriculture workers in preparation for debate on the floor.

    Senators from both parties in the committee on Wednesday objected to voting on a bill before the panel reaches a consensus on guest workers. Several Republicans suggested that the Senate first deal with enforcement, and take up the guest worker issue later in the year.

    "This is a very complicated bill," Specter said. "And I think we have to get it done right."

    Bush, in a State of the Union address two years ago, urged Congress to create a worker program under which participants could gain legal status for a specific time and then be required to return home. It would not provide an automatic path to citizenship.

    The House at the end of last year passed a bill that increases penalties for illegal immigration activities and requires employers to verify the legal status of their employees. But it did not address the guest worker issue, and critics argued that it was futile to try to close the border when demand for low-wage workers in this country remains so strong.

    "We have a broken system," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Wednesday. "It needs to be fixed and it needs to be addressed in a comprehensive way."


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  • gc_rip
    09-01 02:13 PM
    Arrived in US Aug 99.

    Couple startups went down, and finally filed in EB3 category, PD Feb 2005.

    Current calculations, should have adjudication by Oct 2023.


    Surely, it's been a joke.

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  • Totoro
    05-02 01:41 PM
    it is shame on IRS!! listen, everyone is paying tax. if we are able to file tax as couple with itin for the spouse, why are they not using the same approach for the stimulus package. Do they not aware of this section of h1b visa holders who are paying taxes and are not benefited. folks, some of you are in h1b and got your ead and ssn for your sponse are better off, there are folks who are still on h1b and spouse on h4 filed with itin is not eligible because i am not within in the <70k limit. this is ridiculus and shame for everyone who came up with the great idea of stimulating the economy and share our tax money to others and not with this disadvantage section of the people. it is absolutely shame for IRS or whoever came up with the super idea of not considering the folks who filed with ITIN. IRS listen, if anyone who is citizen, illegal or legal, if they pay tax, they are entitled to get this stimulus package.. it is really a shame on you whoever not recognized this affected section of people.

    It is not the IRS's fault. They are just following the law. The IRS people are not very happy about this law either. It just makes their job that much more complicated.

    One person you can thank for this is Lou Dobbs, who went off parroting the comments of FAIR.

    It makes you wonder who is pulling the strings in Washington.

    Again, if anyone is willing to share his or her story with the press, please contact me.


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  • gk_2000
    08-24 01:38 AM
    You made my day....but you can do better. Come up with somthing make sense.:D

    I never knew all these so called multinational executives work for noble cause...hilarious

    Time and again you are in attacking mode. You need to learn some concepts better, including english comprehension. Don't worry, everything will happen with time -- after settling in USA your kids might help you learn

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  • laborman
    04-26 12:38 PM
    As per the latest update provided by the DOL to the AILA, of the 363,000 backlog cases pending 108,000 have been completed; 50,000 Certifications have been issued and 255,000 cases remain pending. The DOL further advises that they are on track to issue 45 day letters on all remaining cases by end of June 2006.

    My PD is Sept 2003 and I haven't yet got my 45 - day letter. :(


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  • smuggymba
    08-12 12:58 PM
    Well said ..I totally agree with you....they would get their $400 million instantly..

    I think the companies will slightly increase the billing rate, cut down on some expenses and bite the bullet to some extent.

    Schumer is clear - he wants the money, he doesn't want Infy, TCS to leave USA.

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  • purgan
    04-30 02:43 PM
    steve king is the new tancredo in congress. dobbs best buddy. advised by numbersusa, FAIR and CIS.

    A hard core anti-immigrant from Iowa


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  • Milind123
    09-16 02:49 AM
    Dear friends,
    I made my first $100.00 contribution and would like to sign up for more. Google Order #834309558256739 .

    I thank all the efforts of the members of

    --From SF Bay Area

    Thank you very much permfiling. Your contribution is very much appreciated. It is certainly going to make IV stronger and in a better position to help fight for causes which affect each one of us.

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  • rkotamurthy
    02-08 06:58 PM
    Thanks Pappu. I have scheduled next conf call for Friday, 2/9 at 7.00 PM PST. Call 641-297-5900 PassCode 562404. Would you care to join?


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  • JunRN
    10-01 03:03 PM
    The Greencard Crazy Club (GCC) is now planning to install a webcam near NSC parking lot....we've really gone crazy!!!

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  • prouddesi
    09-28 08:21 PM
    I am going to take this news when it is confirmed to my local congressmen to make my point even clearer henceforth!!! They never they? I am left speechless...

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  • chi_shark
    02-23 01:47 PM
    Well, I too had a Infopass last week to check on a Soft LUD on my I-140, I heard slightly different story, they did not say adjudicating the EB application, but Process the EB application, which I guess what they were saying is pre-adjudicating the cases, in the last few weeks with lot of cases being transferred (both EB2/EB3) to different offices, pre-adjudicating the cases makes sense....but hey, we are talking about USCIS here, we never know, whatever you heard could be true too......

    One piece of information that made me happy reading your comment was "a directive from the DHS/USCIS that they want to separate the legal stuff from the illegal stuff", this is good news.....but wondering what does legal/illegal mean to USCIS anyway......and how does it help us???

    yeah, he did say the legal/illegal stuff... i have a strong feeling that he was just shooting his mouth... i am pretty sure it is standard procedure for them to not allude to something like this... may be he was just not doing it right? only time can tell...

    09-14 07:22 PM
    Immigration Paralysis ( By George Melloan ( | Wall Street Journal, Jul 27 2007

    03-12 01:08 PM
    Dear Vin13,

    Thanks for the idea. May I request you to please inform every one here, number of hours that you can spend volunteering for IV? I ONLY contributed DOLLARS, but never contributed TIME and I feel ashamed of that. There are many people who have contributed both dollars and time.

    If you promise some time volunteering to IV for all the ideas that you listed, I am PROMISING to contribute DOLLARS for you. Are you ready? If so, please send email to IV core.

    Thanks again for the idea.

    Here is my point. I spend several hours 3-4 hours at least every day looking through the forum posts hoping to find ways i can contribute to efforts. There are several ideas that are generated in the forum. But cannot find out who is leading it. All i am saying is if we can have a listing of initiatives with some names associated. So i can contribute to the ones that i can support.

    I am not sure if i am asking for too much here. I am not a IT guy. I do not know what it takes to post it in the front page.

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