Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • thomachan72
    03-09 11:00 AM
    No change in this one.:D:D

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  • gc_kaavaali
    01-04 03:16 PM
    You should be able to work use EAD...your husband can still work on H1. First u need to apply for SSN to work.

    Hi !
    My husband is on H1 and i am on H4. We recently got our EADs. What I want to know is, can i start working right away with my EAD while my husband works on H1 or are there any rules like my husband also needs should change his status from H1 to EAD so that I may use my EAD card?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Blog Feeds
    04-07 11:20 AM
    Our friendly anti Jack has provided in the comments a couple of links to an intriguing story regarding Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (currently embroiled in another scandal - this time involving strippers and GOP money - oy!). Steele has been one of the moderate voices in the GOP when it comes to immigration reform in the past and apparently he met with a pro-reform group called the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM). Accounts differ regarding whether Steele promised to work for immigration reform and, more specifically, help round up a second GOP Senator to sponsor the reform bill...

    More... (

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    02-18 08:10 AM
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  • Macaca
    10-01 08:04 AM
    Taxes, Health Lead Hill Agenda ( After Iraq Fight, Both Parties Welcome Shift By Jonathan Weisman | Washington Post Staff Writer, October 1, 2007

    Out of a political stalemate over Iraq, domestic policy is surging to prominence on Capitol Hill, with Republicans and Democrats preparing for a time-honored clash over health care, tax policy, the scope of government and its role in America's problems at home.

    The brewing veto fight this week over an expanded children's health insurance program is only the most visible sign of the new emphasis on domestic issues. Democratic White House hopefuls are resurrecting a push for universal health care while talking up tax policy, poverty and criminal justice. Democratic congressional leaders are revisiting Clinton-era battles over hate crimes and federal funding for local police forces.

    The White House, at the urging of congressional Republican leaders, is spoiling for a fight on Democratic spending. And GOP leaders are looking for any opportunity for confrontations on illegal immigration and taxation.

    At the heart of it all is a central question: Thirteen years after the 1994 Republican Revolution, has the country turned to the left in search of government solutions to intractable domestic problems?

    Democrats think that the answer is yes. "As conditions deteriorate, Americans are asking, 'Who can make it better? Where can we look for help?' And not surprisingly, government is increasingly the answer," said Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster.

    Even Republicans see a growing unease as the driving force in the domestic policy resurgence.

    "There's no question the economy is good, but it's not a good for everybody," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio.). "When you look at family incomes, there hasn't been much rise. But there has been increased health-care costs, increased energy costs. They're nibbling up more than the family budget. It just drives more concerns."

    For both parties, domestic policy fights are a welcome break after three election cycles dominated by terrorism and war. Republican and Democratic political leaders say they cannot shy away from the Iraq war. But for much of the year, the fight over the war has only shown Democrats to be ineffectual and Republicans to be intransigent.

    For Democrats, a break in that fight could allow them to focus on issues that voters say demand attention. Last year's election victories by Democratic Sens. James Webb in Virginia and Jon Tester in Montana, and by Democratic governors in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa and Ohio, show that a populist message can prevail even in swing states.

    For Republicans, changing the subject is simply a relief.

    "I think it is territory that tends to unite us more," said Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.). "Republicans tend to squabble, but when it's fiscal issues, when it's economic issues, we tend to come together. That's what makes us Republicans."

    If so, the GOP may be having an identity crisis. Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and President Bush have met regularly on what Boehner calls his "rebranding" initiative: winning back for the GOP the mantle of fiscal discipline and limited government.

    But in the first big domestic battle on Capitol Hill, 18 Republicans in the Senate and 45 in the House abandoned their leaders to side with the Democrats on a five-year, $35 billion expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

    House Republicans are expected to muster enough votes to sustain Bush's anticipated veto of the SCHIP bill, but Boehner conceded that Congress is liable to override the promised veto on a $21 billion water-project bill so crammed with home-district projects that it has been denounced by taxpayer and environmental groups alike.

    "There's deadlock on Iraq. Bush is intransigent. It's clear we're not going to get the 60 votes to change course on the war. But Republicans are hurting too, so they're breaking with him on all these domestic issues," said Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

    Indeed, on the domestic front Republicans may be in the same bind that they face on foreign policy: Their conservative base is not where the rest of the country is.

    For more than a decade, the Democratic polling firm Hart Research and the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies have read two propositions to Americans: "Government should do more to solve problems and help meet the needs of people" and "Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals."

    In December 1995, at the height of the Republican Revolution, a less-intrusive government won out, 62 percent to 32 percent. This month, a more activist government won out, 55 percent to 38 percent. Independent voters sided with government activism, 52 percent to 39 percent.

    But Republican voters, by a margin of 62 to 32 percent, still say government is doing too much.

    "The big tectonic plates of American politics are shifting, and the old Republican policies of limited government aren't working like they used to," Schumer said. "Their problem is, the Republican primary vote is still the old George Bush coalition -- strong foreign policy, cut taxes, cut government, family values. But Americans aren't there anymore."

    But the same poll did find some hope for the GOP, said Neil Newhouse, a partner at Public Opinion Strategies. Americans said they do not see a role for the federal government in the current mortgage crisis.

    "Americans seem to be saying that the problems the country is facing demand a more activist government, but that this does not extend to all issues or every problem," Newhouse said.

    That's a difficult needle to thread, but it can be done, said former senator Jim Talent (R-Mo.), a top domestic policy adviser to Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney. Then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush showed in 2000, with his stand on education and his general slogan of "compassionate conservatism," that Republicans can win on traditional Democratic turf. They can do that again, especially on health care, Talent said.

    "Part of what is at the core of the party is smaller government, fiscal restraint," said Sen. Mel Martinez (Fla.), general chairman of the Republican National Committee. "But like in this debate on SCHIP, it's very important that we as Republicans make it clear we are for insuring children."

    "It's no longer permissible for us to think 47 million Americans being uninsured is okay," Martinez said.

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  • usirit
    08-21 10:33 AM
    I have applied for my PERM Labor Certification on Aug, 6th'07. My status online shows "IN PROCESS". DOL called my employer's contact to verify submission on Aug, 15th'07.
    My Lawyer states that rather than preparing for I-140 / I-485. I would be best served in working on preparing a response to the audit that will be coming, because of the Spanish language requirement.
    Is he just getting ready for a "just-in-case" audit...? Should I prepare the I-140 and deal with the audit on the 30-days if DOL sends the Audit letter? How long would it take to receive this letter?

    Enjoying the ride....


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  • Mark123
    08-14 06:34 AM
    I am currently attending a college here in China. However, I have been offered some interesting jobs . These jobs require that I have a resident visa. I have been told that I can't change from a student visa to a resident visa, while in mainland China. Is this accurate? If so, is Hong Kong an option for me?

    China visa (

    Thanks & Regards

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  • Blog Feeds
    06-26 09:40 AM
    In case you were interested: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 25, 2009 BACKGROUND ON MEETING WITH MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO DISCUSS IMMIGRATION REFORM: The President and the Vice President will meet with a small group of Senate and House members from both sides of the aisle and both sides of the issue to discuss immigration reform in the State Dining Room at 2:00 PM today. The meeting is intended to launch a policy conversation by having an honest discussion about the issues and identifying areas of agreement and areas where we still have work to do, with the hope of beginning...

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  • rexjenn
    07-19 08:23 PM

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  • good idea
    06-02 10:34 AM
    Status of my application is updated to "Request for Evidence - Review of Reply",
    Can someone share that

    -if it means that they acknowledge that they got RFE reply & are (already) reviewing the documents.
    -if it means that they acknowledge that they got RFE reply, actual review may take week(s)

    thanks & regards.


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  • shernil_s
    04-27 03:32 PM
    Hello Friends,

    I am in 7th yr of my H1B and I have got 3 yrs extension on my H1B after
    completing my 6 yrs. I have got my labour appliation and I-140 approved 1 year back and filed my I-485 in MAR'2005. My PD is Jan 2002, India EB3.

    In SEP'2005, I got married and my spouse came to this country on H4 Visa.
    Because of retrogresion.I couldn't file I-485 for my wife. Now I am waiting for my PD to get current to file 485 for my wife.

    My question is, Can I change my employer by doing H1B Transfer. So that my
    spouse wont be losing H4 Status. Also, when my PD becomes current can I ask my new employer to file 485 application for my spouse.

    My lawyer has told me that filing Spouse's 485 has to be done with the same
    employer who filed your application. Is it true? or Can I change my employer.

    Thanks for your reply in advance

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  • iCu MeHoo
    10-12 11:13 PM
    =] we all have our own brain farts =]


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  • Blog Feeds
    12-21 07:10 AM
    H1B Visa Lawyer Blog Has Just Posted the Following:
    This year a record number of 15 million foreign applicants entered ( the green card lottery system which only hands out 50,000 green cards each year.

    The lottery program was established by the State Department back in 1990. Participation in the lottery has grown steadily as people in the developing word have gained increasing access to the internet. The month long enrollment period ended on November 3. Many people apply year after year since there is no limit on the number of times you can apply. The only rule is that only 7% of the winning applicants may come from any one country.

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-08 08:10 PM
    The USCIS has issued guidelines for petitioners filing cap-subject H-1B petitions for Fiscal year 2011. The guidance explains what that cap is, what petitions are subject to the cap, filing fees, where to file, etc. See here ( D&vgnextchannel=73566811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60a RCRD).

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  • parthu_r
    01-13 04:58 PM
    I applied for EAD renewal to Nebraska center on Dec 12th.
    So far I didn't received the receipt and also my check didn't get cashed.
    Did anybody encounter similar situation. If so please let me know what you have done.



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  • ChiefBill
    March 24th, 2010, 03:39 PM
    Mat - thanks - went to Adobe's web site and found out that CS3 does not support the RAW (NEF) files from the D300s. Would have to upgrade to CS4 to be able to load the D300s RAWs. Makes me wonder about Adobe - makes me glad I didn't plunk down big $$$ for CS3 - Elements works just fine for me!

    Can I save H1 time by switching to EAD? [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Can I save H1 time by switching to EAD?

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  • mojo_jojo
    03-14 02:21 PM
    y is the family based vb jumping by 1 month each time only?

    while it was jumping by 2 months this time last year?


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  • fxok425
    01-09 03:49 PM
    I was H1B, but used AP return to the U.S. the same company, but when I filed the new I-9 form after return, the company lawyer asked me to write EAD and EAD expiration date, so I guess I am AOS now? or not? I am not sure. My company will resume my H1B this month, but don't know when it will be completed.

    Now I am going to e-file EAD renew.There are some questions in the form I-765 that I am not sure how to answer (The lawyer has completed his 140 and 485 document, so he doesn't want to answer now.):

    1, Manner of Last Entry into the U.S.: Should I choose PAR (PAROLEE) or H1B (SPECIALITY OCCUPATION)?

    2, Status: Should I choose PAR (PAROLEE) or H1B(SPECIALITY OCCUPATION)?

    3, Please select your eligibility status : Should I choose (a) (4) PAROLEE or (c) (9) FILED I-485?


    Mike K.T
    08-12 04:58 PM
    :lol: fun fun

    09-14 05:25 PM
    when it says it has something to report.

    This is what I like about IV.

    I will be in DC anyway for the rally.

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