Saturday, July 2, 2011

How To Pose For Pictures Women

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  • senk1s
    10-17 06:37 PM
    have AP will travel ...

    For adjustee's AP gives permission to travel out-in. I think it should be ok to travel (you can subscribe to case updates and you'll know the case status)

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  • yabadaba
    06-20 08:07 AM
    guys who have already filed 485.

    Do u know if its possible to schedule an earlier fingerprinting date? can we just walk to a ASC with our appointment letter and get our fingerprinting done?

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  • nobody
    04-30 07:07 PM
    Here's a stamp featuring my doggy. :P

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  • Karthikthiru
    09-05 03:21 PM
    Nice article



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  • nhfirefighter13
    August 12th, 2005, 03:50 PM
    Depicting "despair" using a photo and nothing else is tough. A final in one of my photoshop classes was to make a TIME magazine cover that depicted either "despair" or "hope". It was a lot harder to do that we all originally thought.

    This comes close but it could also be construed as sadness, anger, weariness, pain, etc.

    As I said, that's a very tough emotion to depict in a photo without any supporting text.

    By the way, I like the photo.

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    View Full Version : bending/twisting

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  • Macaca
    08-15 09:25 PM
    Bush, Congress Struggle in Public Eye ( By DAVID ESPO | The Associated Press, August 15, 2007

    WASHINGTON -- The Democratic-controlled Congress and President Bush seem locked in a perverse competition for public unfavorability, according to a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll.

    The survey shows Bush's approval ratings at 35 percent, and Congress' even lower, 25 percent. Only 27 percent of those polled said the country is headed in the right direction, and 39 percent said they support the Iraq war, with 58 percent opposed.

    While Bush's favorability ratings have remained relatively unchanged for months, Congress' support declined markedly between May and July, a dip confirmed in a poll of 1,003 people taken last week.

    Asked whether they approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job after seven months of divided government, those surveyed were then prompted to volunteer a reason.

    Of the 74 percent of those expressing congressional disapproval, 22 percent said lawmakers generally aren't doing their jobs. Another 20 percent cited a specific issue for their unhappiness. Twelve percent said they disapprove of Congress because lawmakers care only about themselves and their party, while 10 percent cited backstabbing and infighting.

    Among those who cited an issue, the war in Iraq was mentioned most often. It was cited by 7 percent of those disapproving of Congress' performance, followed by health care, 5 percent; immigration, 2 percent and employment and wage issues, 2 percent.

    The survey was taken as Congress was beginning its August recess, providing a respite from months of unsuccessfully trying to force Bush to change course in Iraq.

    Democratic leaders have vowed to renew their challenge to Bush when they return to the Capitol after Labor Day. An autumn clash also looms over federal spending, and Bush has posted veto threats against bills dealing with farm programs, expansion of children's health care and energy.

    "I don't think this war is going the way it should be. We're over there for nothing," said Richard Reda, 64, of Nashua, N.H., a Vietenam War veteran and self-described political independent.

    In an interview, he said, "I think Congress should go over Bush's head and get these troops back here. There's got to be a way where they can override Bush to get the troops back here."

    Maria Guyan, a 28-year-old school secretary from Struthers, Ohio, agreed. Guyan described her politics as "lean Democrat" and said, "I just don't think they're doing enough to keep President Bush from basically going forward on whatever he wants."

    She said Congress should focus most on withdrawing from Iraq and improving the nation's education system.

    "We definitely need to get out of the war, and we need to basically just realize we cannot run another country in addition to our own," she said.

    But Peggy Grandinetti, 69, a Republican from Florence, Ala., criticized Congress for not standing by Bush on the war.

    "I just completely disagree of pulling out of Iraq. I think we ought to stay there and finish the job," said the retired medical assistant.

    Richard Henson, 58, of Atlanta, Ga., was among the Democrats who said Congress has failed to address a problem with illegal immigration.

    "The immigrants are running bills up," said the post office manager, citing health care and school taxes as examples. "We have to pay extra taxes to support illegal immigrants. I don't think they should benefit from our services that we're paying taxes on."

    Wes Kangas, 65, a Republican and retired banker in Vancouver, Wash., expressed weariness. "They don't seem to get anything done. All they do is bicker back and forth. After a while it gets kind of old," he said.

    Republicans were more likely to say Congress wasn't doing its job, 26 percent, while Democrats tended to cite a specific issue, 24 percent. Among independents, 22 percent said generally that lawmakers weren't doing their job, and 20 percent pointed to a specific issue, a list topped by the war in Iraq.

    When it came to judging Bush, 70 percent of Republicans approved of his performance, with 27 percent disapproving. Democrats split 89-9 in disapproval, and 68 percent of independents disapproved.

    Congress, by contrast, was held in disregard without regard to party.

    Among independents, 73 percent said they disapproved of the way Congress was handling its job, with 23 percent expressing approval. Among Democrats, a striking 70 percent disapproved and 26 percent approved, while Republicans split, 74-23, in disapproval.

    The poll's margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.


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  • ranand00
    04-10 08:24 PM
    any replies on my question...

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  • bond65
    05-24 01:47 PM



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  • sandeep12
    06-06 04:19 PM
    Any idea if physicians are included in this category this time around? Thanks in advance.

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  • GSB
    09-13 12:10 PM
    Please see this letter sent by governors of 13 states to the Senate and Congress on 09-11-07.


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  • Women#39;s Aid activity targets

  • mrajatish
    01-29 06:59 PM
    I am trying to arrange "Meet the Senators/Congressmen Drive" in Washington State. We already have a few volunteers, mostly from the eastside of Seattle. I am looking for a couple more people to help us in our efforts. Please feel free to contact me at 425-996-1021 to discuss this.


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  • GCBy3000
    06-15 10:51 AM
    What is the new fee structure from Aug.

    Is there any use in waiting till next bulletin?

    If it is still current, then is it advisable to file in Aug since we save on subsequent year fees?


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  • Macaca
    12-12 10:27 AM
    Pelosi vows more civil approach � next year ( By Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris | The Politico, Dec 12, 2007

    Across the ideological spectrum, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has dashed expectations.

    On the right, the hope was that Pelosi would be the tallest lightning rod in Washington � playing to type as a �San Francisco liberal� and handing the Republican minority all manner of ideological openings to exploit. For the most part, that has not happened.

    On the left, the hope was that Pelosi would lead the newly empowered Democrats to hijack President Bush�s agenda on the issue that matters most to party activists � ending the Iraq war.

    To Pelosi�s regret, that has not happened either.

    Appraisals of Pelosi�s first year revolve around these fallen hopes and come with still another surprise: For all her history-making status as the first woman to run the House, Pelosi has emerged as a fairly conventional leader.

    This is partly to her credit.

    She has run a highly disciplined operation, keeping a potentially fractious caucus unified on tough issues.

    And she has restrained some of her own instincts representing one of the nation�s most liberal districts.

    With a couple of prominent exceptions, she has not handed Republicans opportunities to exploit impolitic statements or legislative maneuvers.

    But conventionality has come at a steep cost.

    Few members of either party, when speaking privately, argue that what Congress needs most is a change of party with a continuation of the highly partisan status quo.

    In many ways, that�s what Pelosi represents.

    Democrats bridled at being marginalized under 12 years of Republican rule, but Pelosi has treated turnabout as fair play.

    Bending a promise made to voters in the last election, the speaker has shut Republicans out of many debates by limiting their ability to offer alternative ideas on the House floor and made only modest attempts to engage Republicans on many issues, notably Iraq.

    This represents a probably accurate calculation about what�s necessary to keep her own party cohesive.

    But polarized government has also thwarted some of Pelosi�s own objectives.

    The first of those is forcing Bush to end the war. �All of the good things that we did, which were, I mean, astounding � are eclipsed by the war in Iraq,� she said in a Politico interview.

    She added that she has been surprised by Democrats� inability to peel off GOP dissenters.

    �If I had to say one thing that I would have appraised differently � it would have been that I would not have expected the Republicans in Congress to stick with the president on this war this long,� she said. �Not from their personal statements to us privately or the public mood in their own districts.�

    The inability to resolve the Iraq debate or tackle the other most pressing issues is one reason the number of people saying they disapprove of the performance of Congress � at 70 percent in some recent surveys � has risen 15 to 20 points or more since the start of the year.

    Pelosi acknowledged she and her leadership team could have done better at managing expectations.

    �Maybe we should have been thinking about how we were communicating with the public more,� she said. �Maybe I should have from the start just established what we were doing instead of having to be responsive to the press about �somebody said this, they thought you were doing that,� because this place is a total rumor mill.�

    Even so, Pelosi made clear that she is fine with drawing sharp, partisan lines when necessary.

    �I certainly want my speakership to be distinguished by a level of civility and bipartisanship when that�s possible,� she said. �That is what I hope to do in this next year, I really do.�

    But as for this year? �I had a job to get done this year,� she said. �I had a decision to make; I had to remove obstacles to getting a job done.�

    She got it done, at times.

    Early in the session, Democrats moved their �six for �06� package promised in the previous election. That included raising the minimum wage, enacting homeland security upgrades and reducing student loan rates.

    They also helped their members by pushing for more spending on children�s health care, a political no-brainer for many members, and demanding that Congress offset the cost of new spending with spending cuts or revenue increases elsewhere.

    Along the way, the elegantly styled speaker, a grandmother of seven, proved herself a steel magnolia � a self-confident leader who projected strength in a way that caused powerful subordinates to defer to her.

    Even Vice President Cheney complimented (in a distinctly backhanded way) her leadership, noting he was surprised that such old Democratic bulls of the House as Reps. John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania and John Dingell of Michigan seem to follow her lead.

    �They are not carrying the big sticks I would have expected,� Cheney told Politico.

    �There�s a woman who runs that place with an iron hand,� Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told Politico in an interview. �I am sure that some people are a little disappointed [that] this diminutive, very attractive woman is bowling people over � men and women.�

    Pelosi has succeeded in part by having her own team of old bulls, such as Rep. George Miller of California, and younger bulls, such as Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, on her team.

    What is sometimes called a weakness � a penchant for micromanaging, for instance � has helped tighten her grip and enhance her standing.

    She has muffed up on a few high-profile occasions. A trip to Syria earlier this year was ridiculed by Republicans as clumsy, freelance diplomacy.

    She was forced by her Democratic colleagues to quit pushing for the Armenian genocide resolution because it was clearly complicating U.S. relations with Turkey.

    The final verdict on her handling of the Iraq debate awaits the year ahead � whether Democrats can either force a change in policy or make Republicans pay a heavy price in the 2008 elections.

    For now, the best grade Pelosi can get is incomplete: Democrats have had no substantive success in changing policy.

    One what-if echoes. Some members say Democrats missed a golden opportunity early in the summer to find compromise and split Republicans from Bush, laying the groundwork for limits on the military operation.

    Pelosi instead pursued an unyielding approach that turned off even the war skeptics inside the GOP.

    In a sign of the pressures Pelosi is under, however, it is the anti-war liberals in her own party who offer the harshest assessment of the Pelosi reign so far.

    �When you look back at this year, it will be defined as the year of lost opportunities,� said Ohio Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, a long-shot presidential candidate. �This was the time to use the power of the majority to chart a new direction. So far it�s been � not only a missed opportunity but a failure.�

    California Rep. Lynn Woolsey added: �I personally don�t think [the strategy] worked. As a result, everything we�ve done on student loans, minimum wage, the six in �06 agenda gets lost.�

    By one standard, however, Pelosi can look back on 2007 as a clear success. Her party is as well-organized, and her own position within it more secure, at year�s end compared with year�s start.

    �I am not going to let one issue blow up this caucus,� she said. �We always strive for unity.�

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  • cygent
    12-29 07:46 PM

    Please help with the search feature -

    in FireFox, there is a nothing next to the "Image Verification" field.
    in IE, a "X" appears next to the "Image Verification" field, indicating the image cannot be displayed.

    Anybody got this to work? Should I change any settings?

    Sorry, I didn't know where else to post this.


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  • Blog Feeds
    07-15 03:01 PM
    On July 9, the Senate, by a vote of 84 to 6, passed a DHS funding bill which includes a variety of immigration enforcement and benefits measures. The measure now goes to a House-Senate Conference Committee which must reconcile this bill with a funding measure previously passed by the House of Representatives which contains none of the immigration amendments added by the Senate. ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS The Senate adopted an amendment offered by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) to provide that the DHS must complete 700 miles of actual fencing along the U.S.- Mexican border by the end of fiscal year 2010....

    More... (

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  • H1B-GC-NY
    04-14 05:16 PM
    Hello Guys,

    I need urgent help please.
    I am on 8th year of my H-1B, expiring on July-2008.
    I am on EB3 Nebraska, PD 07/2003.
    I-140 pending � RFE on Education (3 years degree) replied on December-2007
    EAD approved on September-2007.
    I485 aplied on july-2-2007

    Just got an email from Cris that my I485 was denied. I don�t know the reason.
    My I140 is still pending � almost 4 months after my attorney replied the I140 RFE.

    Today I am writing this in order to understand my available options and strategy to this situation.
    I have less than 2 months on H-1(b).

    What are my options?
    Anybody in the same situation?


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  • dollar500
    11-06 09:40 PM
    I was curious if somebody has experience of H1b stamping in dominican republic?

    I am planning to go there on a business trip, is it advisable to just go and get it stamped there or should I rather go to canada/mexico and get H1 stamped.
    I looked at their website but it's not really very helpful.

    I'd really appreciate comments/suggestions

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  • gc??
    04-28 02:01 PM
    Read this else where, about I -140s being reopened and labor certification are being questioned. Is this true?

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  • WeShallOvercome
    08-01 05:19 PM
    someone please delete the last poll I started with 2 options.. Should be only one in order to track the number of members who received RNs or got their checks cashed...

    11-22 06:13 AM

    I'm sorry, I still don't have a solution, but I am working on it... I will write you if I come up with something.


    01-14 10:17 PM

    I've been working full-time on EAD for the last 2+ years. I have a pending 485 application, on which my spouse is the primary applicant. I have never applied for H1B in the past, because I transferred directly from F1 (student visa) to this EAD.

    My spouse also has an H1B, which is in it's 7th year (completed 6 yrs of H1B).

    My spouse has been put on furlough (unpaid leave) for 3 months.
    What are our options ?

    1. Can my employer file H1B for me, and an H4 for my spouse ? How will this affect our green card application (on which my spouse is primary applicant) ?

    2. How much time does my spouse have to look for another job (with similar job description), without being out of status ? Is there some grace period associated with H1?


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