Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    12-30 11:18 AM
    1. I will send atleast 25 mails to Senators.
    2. I will follow all IV Action Items and actively participate in them.
    3. I will attend DC rally.
    4. I will not allow GC get over my personal life.


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  • jkamel5
    06-06 02:28 PM
    I just got H1B. My wife is currently on her F-1/OPT. Can anyone guide me where I can find required documents to apply for H4 for my wife? Do you think I can do it myself or it needs a lawyer?
    Thank you,

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  • fall2004us
    07-09 07:08 PM
    Hello gurus,
    just wanted some help on filing for EAD (paper application) (self + spouse)
    I will be mailing the docs (UPS) to this address:
    Nebraska Service Center
    850 S. Street
    Lincoln, NE 68508-1225

    I hope this is the right address, we live in california, 2nd EAD, first EAD filed at Nebraska with the old fee. First time EAD was filed by the attorney, this time he is charging way too much.

    Along with the application I am mailing the following docs:
    1. check $340
    2. passport pages
    3. first EAD copy and receipt
    4. 485 receipt
    5. drivers license
    6. I 94
    7. copy of birth certificate
    8. copy of marriage certificate

    Does the check list cover everything or am I missing some thing. Please help gurus.

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  • gc28262
    02-06 04:29 PM
    Just need some suggestion:


    so if i lose my job.. can i go to H4.. even though i have stayed here for more than 6 years..

    If you have never been on H4, you can be on H4 for another 6 years.

    H1B 6 year and H4 6 year have been decoupled. Please search bulletins


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  • insbaby
    08-11 03:54 PM
    90 days window period for H1 Stamping before the validity starts.

    10 days window period to enter US (Use when it is absolutely necessary, if not, safe enter on the date it starts are after that)

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  • Blog Feeds
    09-02 05:30 PM
    Governor Charlie Cristhas named his aide George LeMieux to fill the seat of Senator Mel Martinez until next year's midterm elections when Crist will run for the seat. America's Voice warns that the new Senator will ignore immigration to his own peril.

    More... (


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  • chanduv23
    09-14 04:56 PM
    Yes this is the chance

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  • BigHache
    03-12 04:34 AM

    I recently came across this site looking for information, then stumbled upon this contest and thought I'd drop an entry. This was drawn with the Brush tool in Adobe Illustrator.


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  • Blog Feeds
    01-03 07:10 AM
    Arizona's reputation for right wing lunacy certainly will be enhanced by this effort. Or maybe there's some pretty rational thinking behind SB1070 and eliminating rights for American born citizens of Hispanic descent. 30% of Arizonans are Hispanic. 42% of all students from kindergarten through twelth grade are Hispanic and the percentage goes even higher for the younger grades. Even if the efforts don't stand up to constitutional muster, maybe the real goal is not to get rid of illegal present immigrants, but, rather, all Hispanics, whether they are legal immigrants, born in the US or illegally present. Hispanics vote overwhelmingly...

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  • immi_help3
    06-05 02:48 PM
    Hi All,

    How important is the location of the US embassy for getting the H1B visa stamping ? When applying for my H1B petition in April 2008, my lawyer had mentioned that I would be going to the US embassy in Germany for the H1B visa interview. I'm also aware that I could go to my home country for doing the same. However, does anyone know if I can go to Canada/Mexico, given that I have the visas to go to these countries ? I have a US H4 visa.



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  • waitin_toolong
    07-19 09:26 PM
    Interim EAD's are no longer an option since Sep 2006

    In case of emergency travel it is possible to get AP from local office

    But in case of extreme emergency like death in the family, funeral etc

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  • pani_6
    07-01 06:15 PM
    For people on EAD/AP apart from Fedral Loan what are the Avenues of getting Aid..also I learnt that its difficult to get Aid if you are part time..

    What is the intrest rate and how many years you got to pay it back by


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  • Cantamessa
    05-05 07:50 AM
    Hello i am new user for this site. so i do not enough this site. thanks

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-12 08:40 PM
    USCIS has issued a memorandum to Chileans in the US letting them know that various measures are in place to assist some who may face immigration obstacles due to the massive earthquake in their country: The grant of an application for change or extension of nonimmigrant status on behalf of a Chilean national who is currently in the United States, even in cases where the request is submitted after the individual�s authorized period of admission has expired; Re-parole of individuals granted parole by USCIS; Extension of certain grants of advance parole, expedited processing of advance parole requests; Expedited adjudication and...

    More... (


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  • myk110
    02-08 04:12 PM
    Please help me. I am in a really odd situation.

    My I797 expires on Feb 10th (in 2 days!). My company did not know of the iCert change. iCert denied the first 2 LCA attempts for FEIN and prevailing wage issues. The new LCA (3rd attempt) won't have a result until the 15th.

    My i-94 and visa has expiration of in Oct 2011 (stamping officer's mistake). But I know, we can't rely on their mistakes.

    What can I do? Please advice..

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  • swaraj
    11-14 04:28 PM
    A friend of mine has submitted visa application fee and has made an appointment for visitor visa next week.
    Can someone please tell if there is any other requirement of making a draft for some other fees during the Visa interview? (I am confused because a couple of years ago we used to submit one more bank draft during Visa interview)
    Thanks for your advice


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  • bobmal
    04-15 08:29 PM

    Here is my situation.

    - I have an approved I140 by my current employer and waiting for 485 to become current.
    - I am in the 7th year of my H1 with current validity till mid 2011.

    In case I lose job with the current employer, and the employer withdraws H1-B and I140, what are the options I have?

    Can I transfer H1 or apply for H1-B with another employer? How much grace period I have to leave the country?

    Appreciate any help from you guys.

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  • Blog Feeds
    08-11 10:10 AM
    H1B Visa Lawyer Blog Has Just Posted the Following:
    The Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) Processing Times were released with processing dates as of August 1, 2010.

    If you filed an appeal, please review the links below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your particular case.

    Administrative Appeals Office (

    The current processing time for an I-129 H-1B Appeal is 13 months. The current processing time for an I-140 EB2 Appeal for an Advanced Degree Professional is 24 months; for an I-140EB3 Appeal for a Skilled or Professional Worker is 25 months.

    Most other cases are within USCIS's processing time goal of 6 months or less.

    More... (

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  • Comiccmadd
    07-19 04:46 PM
    really clever and funny design!! u should definitely print it :):)

    12-04 05:31 PM
    Old Tensions Test Congress; Democrats Seek A Political Center To Avoid Stalemate ( By David Rogers. Wall Street Journal, Dec 3, 2007

    WASHINGTON -- Congress returns today to face a pile of unfinished work, little time and many White House veto threats. With the budget process at risk of collapsing for the second time in as many years, there is a sense that lawmakers are back to where they started after the 2006 election: divided by Iraq but chasing the dream of a political center from which to govern.

    The best shot for Democrats is to find that center and build coalitions with moderate Republicans to complete Congress's agenda before the holidays. But the bitter divisions with President Bush over the Iraq war make that more difficult.

    "The more they take Bush to the woodshed on Iraq, the more difficult it is to bring over moderate Republicans," says Neil Newhouse, a Republican pollster.

    Compounding the problem are the moods swings and often combative nature of the Democratic leadership. Republicans tend to march four abreast, even if it means heading off a political cliff as in the 1995 government shutdown; Democrats resemble a family packed into a station wagon and yelling different directions at the driver.

    House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D., Wis.) is highly respected but can hurl insults and convey distrust even as he looks for compromise. "Against my better judgment, I am going to assume you will have good faith," he said of budget talks with Republicans. If there's not good faith? "It's not going to be pretty," Mr. Obey promises.

    Democrats, as the party charged with running Congress, would pay the heaviest price for stalemate. But Republicans aren't insulated from blame, especially if they are seen as walking away from compromises important to voters.

    The tensions reflect the twin legacies of the 2006 elections. Antiwar sentiment helped bring Democrats back to power while independent voters wanted an end to gridlock in Washington.

    Recent votes suggest a bipartisan consensus may be emerging. The passage of an energy bill with tougher fuel standards for cars appeals to independent voters. (See related article on page B1).

    In the mid-'90s, when Newt Gingrich's "Republican Revolution" collided with then-President Clinton, he never got more that 240 votes in early skirmishes over defense- and appropriations-bill vetoes. Current Speaker Nancy Pelosi has averaged 275 votes, thanks to Republican support for her efforts to expand child-care and education funding.

    This month's deadlines will sorely test the new majority. A stop-gap spending bill to keep the government operating expires Dec. 14. Middle-class households counting on tax refunds don't want to go into the New Year without protections from the alternative minimum tax. And the Pentagon says it will send out furlough notices before Christmas for thousands of civilian employees unless it gets more war money.

    Trying to avoid a collapse in the budget process, Democrats are trimming $10.6 billion from prior House and Senate spending bills, which will be packaged into a single omnibus package approaching $490 billion in discretionary appropriations.

    Most domestic accounts will be held to 3% increases over 2007 levels. Significant new money is preserved for veterans' medical care as well as $3 billion in emergency funds for border security, both bipartisan priorities. And after falling two votes short of overriding Mr. Bush's veto, a $150.8 billion labor, education and medical- research budget would be reduced by $3.6 billion.

    Other major issues include:

    Health Care

    The spending talks parallel efforts to win passage of a $35 billion, five-year expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Democrats will move to extend the program with additional funds to guard against state shortfalls at least through 2008. Republicans are seeking a line barring federal aid for any household whose gross income exceeds 300% of poverty or about $41,000 for a single parent and child. Democrats have agreed to such a cap for SCHIP but will want more concessions from moderates before extending the same requirement to much of Medicaid, the larger state-federal health-care program for the poor and disabled.


    With winter wheat planted and farmers seeking operating loans for next year's crops, there is growing anxiety at the pace of the farm bill, which has stalled in the Senate. Some type of extension may be needed, but Chuck Connor, the acting Agriculture secretary, says "there is still time to get this done."

    The threshold test could be whether lawmakers embrace the administration's goal of barring subsidies to any farmer with adjusted gross income above $200,000. "That would be an important signal," said Mr. Connor, suggesting that the administration would be more willing then to show some flexibility about Congress's demands.

    03-18 08:42 AM
    So I am trying to create an ellipse which has a few bumps in its shape(path),
    I want to be able to dynamically create new shapes that have a different
    path each time a new one is created. Any one have any idea about how
    to go abotu the concept for this?

    Dont need code just need ideas on best ways to go about this.

    Thanks in advanced.... :mario:

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