Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • GCKarma
    07-18 11:09 AM
    Can we file I-485, after August 1 2007 and
    before August 17 2007 (as I'm preparing my medicals).Is there a chance USCIS stop taking the application after July 31 2007 by giving some crap reason?Also I understand that filing fee is same for I-485 until August 17 2007.Is that true even for I-765 and I-131.Please clarify.

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  • Macaca
    07-14 08:35 PM
    AP Poll: Public Gives Congress Low Marks ( By DARLENE SUPERVILLE Associated Press Writer, Jul 13

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- In the eyes of the public, Congress is doing even worse than the president.

    Public satisfaction with the job lawmakers are doing has fallen 11 points since May, to 24 percent, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll. That's lower than for President Bush, who hasn't fared well lately, either.

    Bush has been taking heat over the Iraq war, his decision to spare a former top vice presidential aide from going to prison and his desire for an overhaul of immigration laws that critics said would give a free pass to illegal immigrants. His job approval rating in the AP-Ipsos survey remained virtually unchanged at 33 percent.

    The 24 percent approval rating for Congress matched its previous low, which came in June 2006, five months before Democrats won control of the House and Senate due to public discontent with the job Republicans were doing.

    Just two months ago, 35 percent of the public approved of Congress' work.

    Poll respondents from both political parties say they're tired of the fighting between Congress and the White House, and want the two branches of government to work together on such issues as education, health care and the Iraq war.

    "They don't approve of anything he does," Theresa Holsten, 55, a Republican and unemployed resident of Lawton, Okla., said of Congress. "He can't do anything right, according to what some people say. It irritates the living daylights out of me."

    Tammy Lambirth, 42, a data researcher from San Antonio, disapproves of "all the fighting that they do all the time."

    The latest tussle involves Bush's refusal to hand over documents and let former White House aides answer questions from the Democratic-controlled Congress about the firing of U.S. attorneys. The dispute could end up in federal court.

    "The Republicans are just stonewalling everything, and the Democrats are just not stepping up and making them do what they need to do, especially about Iraq," said Lambirth, a Democrat. "They need to make our troops get out of Iraq."

    While the public's approval of Congress has dropped 11 points since May, the percentage of Democrats who are turning up their noses at Congress - like Lambirth - nearly doubled. Among Republicans, though, not so much.

    Approval among Democrats fell 21 points, from 48 percent in May to 27 percent.

    It remained low among Republicans, at 20 percent, and has not changed significantly in the past two months.

    Democrats won control of Congress on the strength of their promises to end the Iraq war, but so far have failed to do it. Bush vetoed one spending bill that included a deadline for ending the war, and Democrats don't have the votes to override him.

    An increase in the federal minimum wage became law, but much of the Democratic agenda has cleared the House only to become bottled up in the Senate, where the party has a much narrower working majority.

    Democrats need to be mindful of the public's satisfaction with Congress' productivity, especially as the party campaigns to win back the White House in elections next year, said political science professor Kenneth Sherrill.

    "If you manage to persuade a very large number of voters, including an increasing percentage of people who associate with your own party that you're not capable of governing, you're in real trouble," said Sherrill, who teaches at Hunter College in New York City. "That is not a good message to send."

    Among other survey findings:

    Bush's marks on his handling of the economy and domestic issues like health care, education and the environment, held steady, at 37 percent on the economy and 33 percent on domestic matters. Last month, Bush was at 37 percent approval for his stewardship of the economy, and 32 percent on domestic issues.
    On handling of foreign policy, including terrorism, 38 percent approved, compared with 35 percent last month.
    On handling the Iraq war, 31 percent approved, compared with 28 percent last month.
    One-fourth of the people, or 26 percent, said the country is headed in the right direction. Last month, 21 percent said the country was on the right track.

    The telephone survey of 1,004 adults was conducted July 9-11 in English and Spanish by Ipsos, an international public opinion research company. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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  • kumar1
    12-08 05:30 PM
    He is right.

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  • Giles08
    11-27 06:05 PM
    Hello all:

    My friend currently is in his home country. He worked with H1-b before, and left US because of being laid off (could not found a new job in time). His question is if he can apply for B2 and go to the US first, then stay in US looking for a job. After getting an offer, transfer his previous H1-b to a new company. Can he do like that? Thanks!


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  • admin
    01-12 07:12 AM
    We have listed the specific measures that we Immigration Voice is fighting for. These are measures both for Backlog Reduction as well as for the retroression issue. Please comment with what you think the priority for us should be or with additional measures on them, in that thread itself.

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  • Macaca
    10-01 08:04 AM
    Taxes, Health Lead Hill Agenda ( After Iraq Fight, Both Parties Welcome Shift By Jonathan Weisman | Washington Post Staff Writer, October 1, 2007

    Out of a political stalemate over Iraq, domestic policy is surging to prominence on Capitol Hill, with Republicans and Democrats preparing for a time-honored clash over health care, tax policy, the scope of government and its role in America's problems at home.

    The brewing veto fight this week over an expanded children's health insurance program is only the most visible sign of the new emphasis on domestic issues. Democratic White House hopefuls are resurrecting a push for universal health care while talking up tax policy, poverty and criminal justice. Democratic congressional leaders are revisiting Clinton-era battles over hate crimes and federal funding for local police forces.

    The White House, at the urging of congressional Republican leaders, is spoiling for a fight on Democratic spending. And GOP leaders are looking for any opportunity for confrontations on illegal immigration and taxation.

    At the heart of it all is a central question: Thirteen years after the 1994 Republican Revolution, has the country turned to the left in search of government solutions to intractable domestic problems?

    Democrats think that the answer is yes. "As conditions deteriorate, Americans are asking, 'Who can make it better? Where can we look for help?' And not surprisingly, government is increasingly the answer," said Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster.

    Even Republicans see a growing unease as the driving force in the domestic policy resurgence.

    "There's no question the economy is good, but it's not a good for everybody," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio.). "When you look at family incomes, there hasn't been much rise. But there has been increased health-care costs, increased energy costs. They're nibbling up more than the family budget. It just drives more concerns."

    For both parties, domestic policy fights are a welcome break after three election cycles dominated by terrorism and war. Republican and Democratic political leaders say they cannot shy away from the Iraq war. But for much of the year, the fight over the war has only shown Democrats to be ineffectual and Republicans to be intransigent.

    For Democrats, a break in that fight could allow them to focus on issues that voters say demand attention. Last year's election victories by Democratic Sens. James Webb in Virginia and Jon Tester in Montana, and by Democratic governors in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa and Ohio, show that a populist message can prevail even in swing states.

    For Republicans, changing the subject is simply a relief.

    "I think it is territory that tends to unite us more," said Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.). "Republicans tend to squabble, but when it's fiscal issues, when it's economic issues, we tend to come together. That's what makes us Republicans."

    If so, the GOP may be having an identity crisis. Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and President Bush have met regularly on what Boehner calls his "rebranding" initiative: winning back for the GOP the mantle of fiscal discipline and limited government.

    But in the first big domestic battle on Capitol Hill, 18 Republicans in the Senate and 45 in the House abandoned their leaders to side with the Democrats on a five-year, $35 billion expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

    House Republicans are expected to muster enough votes to sustain Bush's anticipated veto of the SCHIP bill, but Boehner conceded that Congress is liable to override the promised veto on a $21 billion water-project bill so crammed with home-district projects that it has been denounced by taxpayer and environmental groups alike.

    "There's deadlock on Iraq. Bush is intransigent. It's clear we're not going to get the 60 votes to change course on the war. But Republicans are hurting too, so they're breaking with him on all these domestic issues," said Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

    Indeed, on the domestic front Republicans may be in the same bind that they face on foreign policy: Their conservative base is not where the rest of the country is.

    For more than a decade, the Democratic polling firm Hart Research and the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies have read two propositions to Americans: "Government should do more to solve problems and help meet the needs of people" and "Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals."

    In December 1995, at the height of the Republican Revolution, a less-intrusive government won out, 62 percent to 32 percent. This month, a more activist government won out, 55 percent to 38 percent. Independent voters sided with government activism, 52 percent to 39 percent.

    But Republican voters, by a margin of 62 to 32 percent, still say government is doing too much.

    "The big tectonic plates of American politics are shifting, and the old Republican policies of limited government aren't working like they used to," Schumer said. "Their problem is, the Republican primary vote is still the old George Bush coalition -- strong foreign policy, cut taxes, cut government, family values. But Americans aren't there anymore."

    But the same poll did find some hope for the GOP, said Neil Newhouse, a partner at Public Opinion Strategies. Americans said they do not see a role for the federal government in the current mortgage crisis.

    "Americans seem to be saying that the problems the country is facing demand a more activist government, but that this does not extend to all issues or every problem," Newhouse said.

    That's a difficult needle to thread, but it can be done, said former senator Jim Talent (R-Mo.), a top domestic policy adviser to Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney. Then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush showed in 2000, with his stand on education and his general slogan of "compassionate conservatism," that Republicans can win on traditional Democratic turf. They can do that again, especially on health care, Talent said.

    "Part of what is at the core of the party is smaller government, fiscal restraint," said Sen. Mel Martinez (Fla.), general chairman of the Republican National Committee. "But like in this debate on SCHIP, it's very important that we as Republicans make it clear we are for insuring children."

    "It's no longer permissible for us to think 47 million Americans being uninsured is okay," Martinez said.


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  • stxvr
    08-08 06:10 AM
    Hi one of my relative has cleared the US citizenship exam. He is waiting for the oath. He want to visit canada after a month. Before the canada visit I think the oath will be done and he will become citizen of US. He can not get the US passport instantly.

    My questions:

    1. After becoming US Citizen can he visit canada without US passport? If yes what docs he needs to carry with hi?

    If no then what to do ? asking because he want to visit canada and can not get passport withn 15 day.

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  • pmamp
    03-02 03:23 PM
    Can I apply for EAD for spouse on the basis of I-140 approval? I can not file I-485 due to retrogression and he is running out of her H1B visa limit.


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  • sw33t
    07-27 03:35 PM

    WHO: U.S. Senator John Cornyn of Texas
    WHEN: Thursday,August 9,
    Lunch: 11:30 a.m.
    Speech: 12:30 p.m.
    WHERE: Lakeway Inn, New Glass Ballroom
    SPONSOR: Rotary Club/Lakeway
    Lake Travis
    COST: $250 per table of 10,
    or $25 per individual

    10 Tables are being reserved
    for Rotary & Guests
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    by July 27, 2007!

    Please PM me if you are interested.

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  • truthprevails
    12-14 12:56 AM

    My Company is debarred from renewing H1B , pls post your suggestions.

    U.S. Department of Labor - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - H-1B Debarred/Disqualified List of Employers (


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  • psnycgirl
    10-16 11:02 AM
    Hello all, my apologies if you find my question naiive. We got our fingerprinting appt. notice in the mail yesterday with an EAC application no. When I look that number online it says case has been transferred to Texas and notice of transfer sent. Fine. I am not anxious or anything just wondering if a receipt will be generated now at Texas or would one have been generated at Nebraska and sent to the lawyer? The reason I as is I have been holding back travel plans and wanted to start looking at flights etc. if I know the receipt is either on its way or at the lawyer's already.
    BTW the application was sent to Nebraska on July 30 and I140 had already been approved from Nebraska earlier this year.

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  • NANO3
    11-10 10:00 PM
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  • Dipika
    03-31 12:05 PM
    Guys, Ron Gotcher wants to get a sense of the recent productivity of the CIS, following their policy change with respect to FBI name check results.
    please give your vote here:

    This poll asks you to state how long your AOS application has been pending and whether it is still pending or has been closed out since mid-February, 2008. Please make sure that you only click two selections: one for the length of time your AOS has been pending and the other for whether it is still pending or has been closed out recently.

    based on our votes he may help us batter way.

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  • silvergga
    02-13 03:19 PM

    I have a RFE for my 485 according to the online status. My PD is current, and NSC's 485 processing time is now July 19, 07. My 485 RD was July 25, 07, so it is likely that they are working on adjudicating my case (and could have approved if there were no RFE).

    I am still waiting for the RFE in the mail to know what it is exactly. But, assume that I fulfill their request and mail them the required items immediately, will I need to wait another 6 months before they check my RFE fulfillment? Or do they usually look at the RFE immediately (since they are already working on my case)...



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  • admin
    02-10 05:58 PM
    The House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform held a full committee hearing on February 9, 2006, to address issues important to U.S.
    national interests especially with reference to the recent American Competitiveness Initiative. Here is the report on it.

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  • puvathoor
    01-24 06:38 PM
    Hello IV members..

    I have 2 x 10% savings certificates from Lufthansa. This will give you 10% off a fare on Lufthansa transatlantic flights.

    These are valid through March 23, 2008 (i.e you have book the tickets by March 23, 2008.. NOT Travel by that date)..

    I am not planning to use these certs.

    I am willing to mail these certificates to anyone who promises to donate at least portion or all of the savings to Immigration Voice.

    If you need more information about these certificates, please message me your e-mail address and I can send you a scanned copy of the certs..


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  • chrisclick
    08-22 08:44 AM
    Nice for your first try :)

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  • fightretro
    01-22 06:25 PM

    My current h-1 B visa in passport expires May 1, 2007. And I have a I-94 valid till May 1, 2007. I already got 3 yr h-1 b extension valid from May 2, 2007. I have to travel to canada in March and I am planning to get the new H-1B visa stamping when I am there instead of making another trip.

    Is it possible to go for visa stamping for the extension h-1b, when the intial
    H-1B visa is still valid. My understanding is if the visa is issued, all the previous visas will be cancelled. In that case, Can I re-enter US in March with a H-1B valid only from May, 2007

    I would greatly appreciate responses from any one who faced the same situation.

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  • pasupuleti
    01-25 11:36 AM
    Friend of mine planning to apply for this company from india, does anyone know how this company treats employees?

    10-02 04:58 PM

    08-31 12:14 PM
    My I-140 is approved. And we are planning to change my wife's status from H4 to F1 student. Is it ok to do that ? I heard that it will be problematic for my wife to go back on Green path. Please advise.

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