Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • Blog Feeds
    02-25 07:20 PM
    Those of you who follow H-1B developments know that a memo issued last month essentially tries to bar H-1B use when the employer places the worker at a third party site. The aim was to target IT staffing companies in an attempt to deflect criticism from Senator Chuck Grassley. Despite the fact that there are a whole host of unintended consequences (for example, doctors in some states are actually barred by law from being employed by the hospitals where they work and must be employed by physician groups - bet you didn't think doctors' practices were staffing companies, but they...

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  • Blog Feeds
    07-28 06:10 PM
    From DHS Deputy Press Secretary Matt Chandler: �The court�s decision to enjoin most of SB1070 correctly affirms the federal government�s responsibilities in enforcing our nation's immigration laws. Over the past eighteen months, this Administration has dedicated unprecedented resources to secure the border, and we will continue to work to take decisive action to disrupt criminal organizations and the networks they exploit. DHS will enforce federal immigration laws in Arizona and around the country in smart, effective ways that focus our resources on criminal aliens who pose a public safety threat and employers who knowingly hire illegal labor, as well as...

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    08-14 04:14 PM

    I missed the 2nd conference call. Could you please post the transcipt of the call.


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  • Macaca
    10-01 08:04 AM
    Taxes, Health Lead Hill Agenda ( After Iraq Fight, Both Parties Welcome Shift By Jonathan Weisman | Washington Post Staff Writer, October 1, 2007

    Out of a political stalemate over Iraq, domestic policy is surging to prominence on Capitol Hill, with Republicans and Democrats preparing for a time-honored clash over health care, tax policy, the scope of government and its role in America's problems at home.

    The brewing veto fight this week over an expanded children's health insurance program is only the most visible sign of the new emphasis on domestic issues. Democratic White House hopefuls are resurrecting a push for universal health care while talking up tax policy, poverty and criminal justice. Democratic congressional leaders are revisiting Clinton-era battles over hate crimes and federal funding for local police forces.

    The White House, at the urging of congressional Republican leaders, is spoiling for a fight on Democratic spending. And GOP leaders are looking for any opportunity for confrontations on illegal immigration and taxation.

    At the heart of it all is a central question: Thirteen years after the 1994 Republican Revolution, has the country turned to the left in search of government solutions to intractable domestic problems?

    Democrats think that the answer is yes. "As conditions deteriorate, Americans are asking, 'Who can make it better? Where can we look for help?' And not surprisingly, government is increasingly the answer," said Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster.

    Even Republicans see a growing unease as the driving force in the domestic policy resurgence.

    "There's no question the economy is good, but it's not a good for everybody," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio.). "When you look at family incomes, there hasn't been much rise. But there has been increased health-care costs, increased energy costs. They're nibbling up more than the family budget. It just drives more concerns."

    For both parties, domestic policy fights are a welcome break after three election cycles dominated by terrorism and war. Republican and Democratic political leaders say they cannot shy away from the Iraq war. But for much of the year, the fight over the war has only shown Democrats to be ineffectual and Republicans to be intransigent.

    For Democrats, a break in that fight could allow them to focus on issues that voters say demand attention. Last year's election victories by Democratic Sens. James Webb in Virginia and Jon Tester in Montana, and by Democratic governors in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa and Ohio, show that a populist message can prevail even in swing states.

    For Republicans, changing the subject is simply a relief.

    "I think it is territory that tends to unite us more," said Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.). "Republicans tend to squabble, but when it's fiscal issues, when it's economic issues, we tend to come together. That's what makes us Republicans."

    If so, the GOP may be having an identity crisis. Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and President Bush have met regularly on what Boehner calls his "rebranding" initiative: winning back for the GOP the mantle of fiscal discipline and limited government.

    But in the first big domestic battle on Capitol Hill, 18 Republicans in the Senate and 45 in the House abandoned their leaders to side with the Democrats on a five-year, $35 billion expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

    House Republicans are expected to muster enough votes to sustain Bush's anticipated veto of the SCHIP bill, but Boehner conceded that Congress is liable to override the promised veto on a $21 billion water-project bill so crammed with home-district projects that it has been denounced by taxpayer and environmental groups alike.

    "There's deadlock on Iraq. Bush is intransigent. It's clear we're not going to get the 60 votes to change course on the war. But Republicans are hurting too, so they're breaking with him on all these domestic issues," said Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

    Indeed, on the domestic front Republicans may be in the same bind that they face on foreign policy: Their conservative base is not where the rest of the country is.

    For more than a decade, the Democratic polling firm Hart Research and the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies have read two propositions to Americans: "Government should do more to solve problems and help meet the needs of people" and "Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals."

    In December 1995, at the height of the Republican Revolution, a less-intrusive government won out, 62 percent to 32 percent. This month, a more activist government won out, 55 percent to 38 percent. Independent voters sided with government activism, 52 percent to 39 percent.

    But Republican voters, by a margin of 62 to 32 percent, still say government is doing too much.

    "The big tectonic plates of American politics are shifting, and the old Republican policies of limited government aren't working like they used to," Schumer said. "Their problem is, the Republican primary vote is still the old George Bush coalition -- strong foreign policy, cut taxes, cut government, family values. But Americans aren't there anymore."

    But the same poll did find some hope for the GOP, said Neil Newhouse, a partner at Public Opinion Strategies. Americans said they do not see a role for the federal government in the current mortgage crisis.

    "Americans seem to be saying that the problems the country is facing demand a more activist government, but that this does not extend to all issues or every problem," Newhouse said.

    That's a difficult needle to thread, but it can be done, said former senator Jim Talent (R-Mo.), a top domestic policy adviser to Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney. Then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush showed in 2000, with his stand on education and his general slogan of "compassionate conservatism," that Republicans can win on traditional Democratic turf. They can do that again, especially on health care, Talent said.

    "Part of what is at the core of the party is smaller government, fiscal restraint," said Sen. Mel Martinez (Fla.), general chairman of the Republican National Committee. "But like in this debate on SCHIP, it's very important that we as Republicans make it clear we are for insuring children."

    "It's no longer permissible for us to think 47 million Americans being uninsured is okay," Martinez said.


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  • godbless
    06-20 12:03 PM
    Folks, This thread is to track the I 485 approvals. Please mention your PD and RD for I 485 here. Mine is with a priority date of 4/3/2002 and RD of 12/29/2004. Still waiting while many others with a later PD have already got their GCs recently.

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  • pappu
    04-07 02:20 PM
    In one of the threads Pappu suggested a very nice idea.

    Everyone with difficult stories due to unfair immigration policies should make a youtube video and post a link here. Spoken stories will have much better effect.

    Thank you. This is a good idea. Please lead this effort. You can detail this out, answer questions and help if someone wants to know how to make one.
    Once we have lot of videos, they can be sent to media networks and reporters.


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  • Blog Feeds
    08-08 09:50 PM
    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says that he's not aware of anyone who wants to alter the 14th Amendment (uh, did you just wake up from a coma and miss the last two weeks?). But he doesn't see any harm in having a couple of hearings. Keep feeding the Tea Party beast, Mitch. Eventually, it won't be hungry anymore, right?

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  • smsthss
    08-10 10:06 PM
    Hi all,
    I received an I-485 RFE for me and my spouse on July 28th. For the primary applicant it was Employment verification letter (currently dated letter from employer describing duties,position and salary info) and for my wife it was about proof of bonafide marriage.

    My attorney replied to RFE on Aug 6th with necessary evidence and EVL.

    Online status for both of us changed today Aug 10th from RFE SENT to RESPONSE TO RFE RECEIVED AND CASE PROCESSING RESUMED.

    Hope this info is helpful in estimating time for people in similar situations.

    PD DEC 04 EB3 I . Whats next ??


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  • Raj2006
    01-17 04:04 PM
    Can labor and I140 be filed from an employer, even if employee is not working for that employer currently, may be with the intention of joining that employer at later date? Please reply.

    How about 485?


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  • Maxine
    03-30 12:00 AM
    takes a minimum of 3-4 months. Some cases are adjudicated within weeks.


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  • Maria_Mathew
    04-03 12:21 AM
    Hi there,

    What's the typical starting salary for a Software Developer (Java/SQL) in Massachusetts, USA with 18 months of Indian job experience? The job offer is from a small company (with ~150 employees and close to ~120 million revenue), but with great growth prospects.


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  • hopesoon
    06-01 10:45 AM
    I have a Masters Degree in the US and the 5 yr experience required for the EB2 also the position requires it; however my lawyer made a mistake and asked for an EB3.
    I already received my I-140 and my I-485 was filed at the same time.

    What can I do to change to EB2?

    Thanks a lot for your answer,


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  • bugsbunny
    05-25 12:56 PM
    Hi All,

    I have I140 approved in EB3 in Jan 2011. I485 is still long time to go. Can I change my employer and apply in EB2 and port my priority date?


    Yes you can

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  • Hassan11
    03-14 10:45 AM
    from my personal experience and from others, you can't get to talk to an Immigration Officer by calling the 1-800 number. you need to get an Info pass appointment and that way you can talk to an IO.

    good luck

    When ever I call the customer service they say they are unable to get more information. So I was wondering who can be contacted to get the accurate information about our case.

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  • ss1026
    07-23 09:03 AM
    Though not directly related with immigration, I really think everyone should see this movie and hope they would not get into a mess by some sudden medical emergency and the related medical costs. I guess we are ok as long as we work some big company providing reasonable health coverage. Bench time with the desi firms could be a wrong time to get sick.

    Moore is somewhat one sided but the scam that this is, I can forgive him for it

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  • [uber]
    05-24 06:17 PM
    um can't see it

    08-21 06:09 PM
    Sorry for the cross posting.

    My papers were sent on June 21st, but they were receipted only on June 27th. Turns out USCIS returned my $1000 for premium processing :(.

    My lawyer said they talked to USCIS and USCIS asked them to re-file with proof of receipt.

    Did anyone who filed in end June have their 140 premium processing returned?

    08-15 04:57 PM
    Friends I need an opinion regarding my wifes situation. She is currently on H4. She was on H1B before some time back which she had stamped in India itself. That H1B expired. She moved back to India. After 5 years now she applied for new H1B and got it in the quota. When the dates advanced we applied for her EAD. We were hoping to get it in 60-70 days. Now its been 75 days at TSC and no signs of approval. She had job offer based on EAD since we thought might as well use that. Now we are thinking she should get her H1B stamped because we dont know when her EAD will get approved. For that do you think going to Canada for stamping is safe. She has a Bachelors degree from India. Or do you think going to India only is thesafe option. Mainly I asked was I did some search and found out that its safest in Canada if you have US/Canadian Degree. Is that true or I am wrong and its safe for everyone. Thanks.

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