Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • Raj2006
    01-17 04:04 PM
    Can labor and I140 be filed from an employer, even if employee is not working for that employer currently, may be with the intention of joining that employer at later date? Please reply.

    How about 485?


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  • immigrationvoiceuser
    04-21 06:35 PM
    Dear all,

    Could you please help with a question? My family has I140 approved and 485 pending. But we are leaving the US. What is the best way to deal with I485?

    1. If we withdraw I485, can I apply for B1 visa later to come back for business? Or because we have applied for immigration visa, our B1 application will be denied?
    2. If we change I485 to Consular Process, probably we can not apply for B1, right?

    Thanks! Need your expert advice on this.

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  • maddipati1
    01-31 11:07 PM
    i was in same situation. my wife's AP was approved and mine not, before leaving US, so i went for h1 stamping but, my wife didnt. on return, i entered on H1 and she entered on AP.

    SFO port. they asked her to go to secondary inspection room, had to wait for 1/2 hr. they called her name, no questions asked, gave her docs back. we both were in.

    this was back in Feb'09. i work directly for F100, popular company.

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  • Blog Feeds
    04-23 09:20 PM
    The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cThe Word - No Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

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  • sanam9696
    06-13 09:42 PM
    Anyone has any idea?

    I have approved I140 (EB3, PD:Nov'04) from previous employer; after getting my MBA (Jun'06), I have changed the job and my job description has also changed. New employer will file the labor after 3 months (HR Policy)..I have good relations with previous employer, they are ready to file I485. Is it possible to file I485(previous employer), while I am working with new employer?

    I am not sure but I came to know (not reliable source), that it is possible to file I485(previous employer) and during the interview, I can submit a support letter from the new employer. is this correct?

    Requesting your near...but so far!!!!!

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  • cbpds
    05-21 02:40 PM
    Still waiting for a response, this is urgent situation for me,please reply

    Thanks in advance


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  • moonrah
    08-07 07:21 PM
    Yes you can. and sorry but I am not trying to steal the thread, I have another question regarding same area...once I get 7th year extension based on pending PERM, can I transfer that 7th year to another company?

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  • franklin
    06-15 12:21 AM
    I think this should be termed "still bad news for most"

    Every with the opening up of priority dates, I would say that only a small minority will get a green card anytime soon!

    Back to work for us, the brief vacation was nice :)

    Don't forget, CIR took out most of the AC21 provisions...


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  • Blog Feeds
    09-08 07:20 PM
    The most frequent question that we receive is �How do I choose a good immigration attorney?� Our response is �Why settle for �good�? Read on. There are websites for finding excellent hotels, wonderful restaurants and great physicians. How about a site for choosing an attorney? See During the past year, Avvo has emerged as the premier site for selecting an attorney. Avvo, short for avvocaat (Italian for attorney), is gaining not only in popularity but in usefulness. Great immigration attorneys will tell you that by the time 30% of potential clients consult with them, some incompetent attorney or �consultant�...

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  • Blog Feeds
    01-04 08:00 AM
    When respected, albeit left-leaning, members of the punditocracy, like Chris Matthews and Maureen Dowd, begin to make hard right turns, it's time to pay close attention. Yesterday, in reaction to the Christmas Day suicide bomb attempt on Northwest Flight 253 as it approached Detroit, Matthews, the host of MSNBC's Hardball, came closer than ever before to embracing what sounded like race- and faith-based profiling of air travelers and the willing surrender of large chunks of our civil rights if those measures would make us safer. Today, Dowd, a New York Times Op-Ed columnist, likened President Obama to Spock (not Benjamin,...

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  • chintainfogc
    04-14 12:44 PM
    I guess you can work part-time or full-time wherever you want as long as you are not the primary applicant.

    Please confirm with lawyer.


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  • smartboy75
    12-08 08:20 PM
    Yes ..I recently came back via Brussels to Chicago...I used my AP...No issues in Brussels....


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  • Macaca
    07-20 07:56 AM
    Breakdown in Relations in the Senate Hobbles Its Ability to Get Things Done ( By CARL HULSE ( New York Times, July 20, 2007

    WASHINGTON, July 19 � Arlen Specter is a senior United States senator who expects to be allowed his say on the Senate floor. So he bristled when Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, brusquely cut him off at the end of the Iraq debate.

    �The leadership is setting a dictatorial tone,� Mr. Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, said Thursday, still furious over his treatment the day before. �Senators didn�t get here to be pushed around.�

    It may seem small-minded to bicker over a few words at the end of a 24-hour debate. But the clash between the two veteran senators is evidence of a larger breakdown in relations in the Senate, a deterioration in cooperation that is hobbling the Senate�s ability to get things done. The situation is not likely to improve with a presidential election on the horizon.

    As the cots were rolled away and lawmakers left for a decent night�s rest after the around-the-clock debate that ended � like others this year � in stalemate, lawmakers of both parties said they had rarely seen the tone so poisonous and the willingness to work together on the floor at such a low ebb.

    �The last vestiges of courtesy seem to be going out the window,� said Senator Trent Lott, the Mississippi Republican who has served as majority and minority leader. �Every time I think the Senate � Republican or Democrat � has gone to a point where you can�t go any lower, we go lower.�

    It is hardly startling that members of the two parties do not see eye to eye. And the spirit of bipartisanship in the Senate always rises and falls depending on the subject and the election calendar. But seven months into the new Democratic regime, the environment seems unusually hostile. Occasionally, senators do, too, as exhibited in a Sunday television exchange between Senators Jim Webb, Democrat of Virginia, and Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, that looked for a moment as if it might turn physical as the two men argued about the war in Iraq.

    The angry attacks nearly spiraled out of control Thursday night as the two parties lobbed political bombs at each other during the windup of work on an otherwise popular higher education measure.

    After Republicans brought forward proposals intended to embarrass Democrats on terror detainees and union elections, Democrats countered with a resolution urging President Bush not to pardon I. Lewis Libby Jr., a former top White House aide. Republicans struck back with a resolution deploring the pardons issued by President Bill Clinton.

    The floor descended into chaos as members of the two parties glowered at one another across the aisle. Evidently recognizing they had gone too far, party leaders pulled back and agreed to try to finish the education bill as Democrats struck their Libby proposal from the record.

    Hard feelings have consequences. Without agreements between the leaders of the opposing parties, the Senate has been plunged into a procedural knife fight, with Democrats forced to scramble to find 60 votes not just on contentious issues like an Iraq withdrawal plan, but on once-routine matters like motions to proceed to a spending bill.

    The feuding has spilled into subjects that would seem to hold the potential for common ground, like antiterror legislation and lobbying reform, and will doubtless tie up other measures to come.

    Democrats contend that Republicans have embarked on a strategy of delay, using Senate rules to chew up scarce legislative time and deny Democrats any accomplishments. Republicans complain that Democrats are trying to jam through objectionable bills and are mainly interested in building a political case for 2008. The relationship between Mr. Reid and his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has cooled after it was initially thought the two Senate tacticians would be able to do business.

    Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who has been in the Senate for more than four decades, said he was not sure bipartisanship was at an all-time low, but acknowledged things were tense.

    �The fact the Senate is so evenly divided makes big causes out of smaller events,� Mr. Kennedy said.

    Besides the narrow 51-49 majority Democrats enjoy, lawmakers and others attribute what senators deplore as a lack of comity to various reasons, including the emotions surrounding the Iraq war debate, a Republican payback for Democratic stalling in recent years and pure political maneuvering in a hot-house environment.

    Mr. Reid on Thursday blamed Republican ideology, saying the Senate�s conservative contingent was unwilling to swallow legislation sought by most Americans.

    �Republicans in the Senate do not represent mainstream Republicans around the country,� he said.

    Members of both houses have been contending for years that the sort of personal interaction that can lead lawmakers to overcome partisan differences has been on the decline, leaving Congress polarized.

    But Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Specter and others say they find that committee leaders still tend to be able to work together. And a bipartisan group of senior lawmakers put together the Senate�s immigration proposal, though it went down in flames to the broader political divide in Congress.

    Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee who has been in the heat of the battle over the Iraq legislation, said he did not believe feelings were frayed beyond repair.

    �The Senate is a unique place where wills are tested, and this was a very important issue that people have very strong feelings on,� he said, referring to the Iraq debate. �Instead of fighting over it physically, there are battles that are fought on the floor of the Senate. But these are important disagreements and they should be aired.

    �Isn�t that what we are here for?�

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  • Blog Feeds
    04-11 03:40 PM
    USCIS has released figures from the first week of the H-1B season and filings for the 65,000 H-1B "regular" cap slots for the fiscal year that begins in October were just 13,500. That is less than one third of the 42,000+ received during the same period last year and only about one-tenth of the number filed two years ago. Only 5,600 masters cap applications were filed against the 20,000 cap in that category.

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    08-03 06:26 PM
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  • Blog Feeds
    08-19 02:30 PM
    Something new I'm starting. USCIS puts out weekly data on the use of H-1B visas for the 2011 fiscal year which starts in October. I'm going to monitor that for readers and add my own projection on the months the caps are likely to be hit. The quota is 65,000 per fiscal year plus an additional 20,000 for folks with degrees from US advanced degree programs. Applications began being accepted on April 1st. In past years, the H-1B quota was exhausted almost immediately after the application period opened up. Last year, as a result of the recession and also as...

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    08-01 03:32 AM
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  • angry.coconut
    October 17th, 2009, 05:11 PM
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    07-16 10:22 PM
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    03-15 10:35 AM
    Who Sizzles and Who Fizzles (

    The nonpartisan ( released rankings of the most powerful legislators in Congress this week, and just as interesting as the newly empowered were those hovering at the bottom of the list. Predictably, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid topped the list, and the list quickly moved to committee chairmen with muscle.

    The rankings took into account the legislators' ability to get things done by the traditional paths of leadership positions and committee assignments but left room for the "sizzle" factor -- reserved for those who "exert or possess power that can't be measured by these standard measures." Specifically mentioned in this category were three presidential candidates, Sens. John McCain (18th), Hillary Clinton (12th) and Barack Obama (27th).

    Sen. Elizabeth Dole, sadly, was not given points for sizzle -- or much else, for that matter. She ranked as the 95th most powerful senator. Yes, that is out of 100. Vying for the bottom rung was also Sen. George Voinovich, who despite serving since 1998 ranked 90th. And as if he hasn't already had a bad year (or two), Rep. William Jefferson came in dead last in the House, awarded negative "fizzle" points due to scandal. Being accused of stashing a $90,000 bribe in his freezer was bound to affect something, since it tipped neither his reelection campaign nor his ability to get a committee assignment.

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