Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lady Gaga Dress Up Games 2010

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  • Macaca
    09-27 05:46 PM
    Bill Would Protect Frosh on Immigration ( By Jennifer Yachnin | ROLL CALL STAFF, September 20, 2007

    House Democratic leaders are drafting a resolution designed to inoculate freshman lawmakers on the issue of immigration, despite concerns from within their own Caucus about reopening debate over the contentious topic.

    According to several freshman Democratic lawmakers in attendance at a weekly breakfast meeting with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), Members were told to prepare statements on the resolution, which will endorse laws already on the books that prevent illegal immigrants from participating in taxpayer-funded programs, such as Social Security or food stamps.

    In a draft of the resolution obtained by Roll Call, the measure expresses the sense of the House "with respect to the importance of upholding federal immigration laws and ensuring the integrity and security of the borders of the United States."

    In addition to the language on public benefits, the draft resolution also contains provisions calling on the executive branch to enforce laws on voter fraud and border security.

    But one House lawmaker, who asked not to be identified, said some senior Members have objected to the proposal over concerns that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to limit the scope of the debate. The House largely abandoned plans to pursue a comprehensive immigration reform bill earlier this year after the Senate failed to cut off debate on its own version of the legislation, effectively killing the bill.

    Majority Whip James Clyburn (S.C.) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Md.) began work on the resolution earlier this month in response to repeated Republican efforts to force votes on immigration on the House floor through the use of procedural amendments.

    "We're trying to figure out a way we can do this and maintain party unity on the motions ... without making it a crisis," said one Democratic lawmaker, who is a member of the Whip operation.

    Although one Democratic lawmaker, who asked not to be identified since plans have not been finalized, said the measure could move to the floor as early as next week, a House leadership aide said it is unlikely to be that soon.

    To date, Democratic leaders have not demanded that Members vote against all motions to recommit - a procedural tool that can be used by the minority party immediately before a vote on final passage of a bill - unless the amendment contains language that would shelve the legislation.

    "I've resisted motions to recommit unless they're substantive and then I'll vote for them," explained Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), a freshman lawmaker who has faced attacks from the National Republican Congressional Committee for votes against some GOP-authored amendments on immigration.

    "It's frustrating to me," Walz added, criticizing the amendments as political footballs. "I'm appreciative that our leadership lets us vote accordingly."

    But that policy led to some confusion on the House floor in early August during a vote on a GOP-authored amendment to the Agriculture spending bill to prohibit illegal immigrants from accessing certain federally funded programs, with nearly 20 Democrats initially voting in favor of the proposal.

    Republicans allege that the Democratic majority mishandled that vote, resulting in the defeat of the measure. GOP leaders assert that a tied 214-214 vote - rending a defeat - announced by the Speaker Pro Tem was inaccurate and that the motion had in fact passed 215-213 as Republicans changed their votes.

    But Democrats dispute that version of events, noting that their own Members were changing votes on the House floor, resulting in the final tally of 212-216.

    The dispute prompted the establishment of a select committee to investigate the vote, which is scheduled to hold its first meeting this morning, and produce an interim report Sept. 30.

    Republican Rep. Tom Price (Ga.), who has sponsored similar amendments addressing the use of federal funds to assist illegal immigrants, including a measure that failed Tuesday night on a federal housing bill, expressed interest in the Democratic proposal.

    "I'd love to be able to talk with them about it and work on it," Price said. He could not say whether such a measure would deter him from offering such amendments in the future without seeing the details of the bill.

    "When I talk to folks at home they want to know why we're not including this language on every single piece of legislation," he added.

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  • stxvr
    11-26 12:07 PM
    I am on H1B and planning to go for CP. I have to fill the form DS-230 for this and submit to VSF office.

    Currently I am on H1B extension and I don't have visa stamped for this extension on my passport.

    In this form DS-230 I need to fill field name "Present Address".

    I have following question:
    - In this form what should I fill my present address
    Indian address
    US address.

    (what I think: I think when I will submit the forms to VSF I will be in india and at that time i will not have the valid visa to enter USA. So I think I should fill the indian address.)

    What do you guys suggest?

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  • mrsr
    06-25 02:30 PM
    Do we need copy of I140 approval notice or original while submitting I 485 ?

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-12 08:40 PM
    As Rodney King famously remarked, "Why can't we all get along?" As Democrats and Republicans in Congress have spent the past year beating each other up regarding the health care bill, do we want the same thing to happen with immigration this year? At the moment, President Obama cannot even find two Republican senators out of 40 to support Comprehensive Immigration Reform. And anyone who thinks that all Democrats are united in support of CIR must be drinking the Kool-Aid. But does this mean that immigration reform is DOA in 2010? Not necessarily. There are individual pieces of immigration legislation...

    More... (


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  • that Lady Gaga can#39;t do.

  • peer123
    05-04 07:56 PM
    bumping it up...

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  • Blog Feeds
    02-05 06:40 PM
    Philadelphia-area Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-PA) is coming under fire for supporting an anti-immigration resolution in the House. America's Voice has launched an online campaign to force Murphy to remove his name from the hardline resolution: America�s Voice announced today the beginning of an online advertising campaign to encourage Americans to contact Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-PA) and demand that he remove his name from controversial immigration resolution H.Res. 1026, the so-called �BRIDGE Resolution.� Murphy has come under fire from religious, progressive, and community leaders for joining with the virulently anti-immigrant Rep. Steve King (R-IA) to co-sponsor the resolution. The BRIDGE Resolution...

    More... (


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  • Blog Feeds
    06-06 12:50 PM
    If you care about America's ability to compete in the years to come, you know that having a robust, well-functioning talent worker visa system is critical. One group with a great track record for work on creating such a system is Immigration Voice. They're sponsoring Immigration Voice Advocacy Days June 7th and 8th in Washington and I urge all readers able to participate to please do so. IV has nearly 400 meetings scheduled with members of Congress and the Obama Administration and this is a great opportunity to have your opinions heard by people who can make a major difference...

    More... (

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  • Lady Gaga arrives at Narita

  • Blog Feeds
    06-23 03:30 PM
    Effective July 6, 2009, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued an interim rule amending the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations with the intention to:

    · end confusion by removing certain obsolete references to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS);
    · help the public determine the correct place to file USCIS forms; and
    · create a more efficient and streamlined process for any future changes to filing processes.

    For more information, please visit: (

    More... (


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  • dealsnet
    04-13 11:07 AM
    I think you can employ any one on 1090 on temporary basis(nanny or home improvement, reapir etc) , not employ by start a company. Ask a lawyer.

    Would anyone of you know whether someone on H1B can go ahead and hire a US citizen and be their employer? I know some people do hire nannies. How about for other everyday occupations?

    Thanks and best regards.

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  • Bogdan
    07-03 07:06 PM

    Based on what I know, the medical exam has to be less than 1 year old on the date of I-485 application submission. However, I have seen different opinions on this forum. Some state that the exam date cannot be more than 30 days before I-485 submission, because the HIV test and syphyllis test (sorry if not typed correctly) are valid for 30 days only. Could anyone clarify this, please?

    Thanks in advance.



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  • mihird
    07-09 07:03 PM
    While we all sit and wait in this painful 485 retrogression, I am just wondering, what if the retrogression pulls on past the 3 year extension (attained after the initial 6 years and I140 approval).

    I have my perm LC/I140 approved/485 retrogressed with a PD of Feb 2006.
    Being EB2 and starting my 7/8/9 years in early 2007, I am a bit unlikely to hit that scenerio, but someone like me in EB3 is very likely to hit that scenerio...

    Does anyone know, what happens after 9 years on H1 and not able to file 485 due to retrogression??

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  • GCKarma
    07-18 11:09 AM
    Can we file I-485, after August 1 2007 and
    before August 17 2007 (as I'm preparing my medicals).Is there a chance USCIS stop taking the application after July 31 2007 by giving some crap reason?Also I understand that filing fee is same for I-485 until August 17 2007.Is that true even for I-765 and I-131.Please clarify.


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  • qualified_trash
    10-23 12:28 PM

    I think you have your question posted on the incorrect forum.


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  • October 12, 2010 6:32 pm

  • ghost
    07-22 07:51 PM
    I apologize for posting the totally un-related information for our IV cause but I think atleast some of us will be interested in another social cause happening back in India for the past year or so.

    We all are affected by a number of social issues in our daily life and together we can be more stronger in dealing with them.

    I felt sad for these kids (who started this campaign, most of them have returned back from US, for the only selfless purpose of changing the society) when I heard that they were attacked by hooligans. Let us provide them with some moral support, at the least.

    Thanks for taking time to go through this.


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  • Lady Gaga arrives at Earls

  • soms
    11-18 01:55 PM

    I am on a H1B with company A. I've been offered a job with company B which is currently processing my H1 transfer paperwork. I had accepted the offer letter from company B and had submitted all my papers for H1B transfer.

    The starting date in the company B is 20th Nov as per offer letter. Now I had decided to stay back with the company A (by 18th Nov) before joining the company B. Is there any issue by doing so?

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  • WaldenPond
    02-08 12:32 AM
    I am graphic design student, what exactly are you looking for? I can make some simple GIf banners. Send me a Private Message

    Hello artz,

    I have sent you a private message. Could you please respond.

    Thanks, WP


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  • cinqsit
    11-06 08:25 PM
    It means nothing. The second 485 was denied since you already have a green card so
    Adjustment of Status is not required.

    BTW - why did you file two 485's ?


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  • goel_ar
    03-23 03:36 PM
    Good news. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) recently issued guidance on the new H-1B amendment that limits Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) recipients� ability to hire H-1B workers. The USCIS confirmed that the new H-1B amendment does not apply to H-1B extensions for current employees with the same employer.

    "EAWA does not apply to H-1B petitions seeking to change the status of a
    beneficiary already working for the employer in another work-authorized
    category. It also does not apply to H-1B petitions seeking an extension
    of stay for a current employee with the same employer."

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    08-26 02:30 PM

    03-08 09:19 AM
    senate panel on Hold
    Who Stalled the Intelligence Bill? (
    Thursday, March 8, 2007

    For what could become the third year in a row, the Senate on Tuesday evening did not pass an Intelligence Authorization Bill, over the objection of a lone Republican senator whose name is being protected by his colleagues.

    John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, called the delay "one of the more embarrassing efforts I have been associated with in my 24 years in this body." The panel's vice chairman, Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.), took the Senate floor Tuesday and called on "any person who has a hold on this bill to come forward and find out what is in the bill."

    Rockefeller and Bond have been working over several months to meet objections to items in the bill that the committee passed last May. With changes that Rockefeller and Bond worked out, the measure was reintroduced Jan. 27 and put on the unanimous consent calendar on Feb. 8.

    Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, was named by Congressional Quarterly yesterday as the member who put the bill on hold. A DeMint spokesman said the senator's office "does not comment on holds," but other congressional sources said that DeMint was the one.

    Those sources said that they believe the hold is due to White House objections to specific provisions, including public disclosure of the national intelligence budget; a requirement for a report on secret CIA prisons; and response to information requests by the committee chairman and vice chairman within 30 days.

    "We have to be able to pass authorization bills if we are to have an impact on the intelligence community," Bond said.

    07-29 01:03 PM
    I think it takes a week or 10 days to get the receipt and it should have your case number

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