Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    12-30 11:18 AM
    1. I will send atleast 25 mails to Senators.
    2. I will follow all IV Action Items and actively participate in them.
    3. I will attend DC rally.
    4. I will not allow GC get over my personal life.


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  • jkamel5
    06-06 02:28 PM
    I just got H1B. My wife is currently on her F-1/OPT. Can anyone guide me where I can find required documents to apply for H4 for my wife? Do you think I can do it myself or it needs a lawyer?
    Thank you,

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  • fall2004us
    07-09 07:08 PM
    Hello gurus,
    just wanted some help on filing for EAD (paper application) (self + spouse)
    I will be mailing the docs (UPS) to this address:
    Nebraska Service Center
    850 S. Street
    Lincoln, NE 68508-1225

    I hope this is the right address, we live in california, 2nd EAD, first EAD filed at Nebraska with the old fee. First time EAD was filed by the attorney, this time he is charging way too much.

    Along with the application I am mailing the following docs:
    1. check $340
    2. passport pages
    3. first EAD copy and receipt
    4. 485 receipt
    5. drivers license
    6. I 94
    7. copy of birth certificate
    8. copy of marriage certificate

    Does the check list cover everything or am I missing some thing. Please help gurus.

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  • gc28262
    02-06 04:29 PM
    Just need some suggestion:


    so if i lose my job.. can i go to H4.. even though i have stayed here for more than 6 years..

    If you have never been on H4, you can be on H4 for another 6 years.

    H1B 6 year and H4 6 year have been decoupled. Please search bulletins


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  • insbaby
    08-11 03:54 PM
    90 days window period for H1 Stamping before the validity starts.

    10 days window period to enter US (Use when it is absolutely necessary, if not, safe enter on the date it starts are after that)

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  • Blog Feeds
    09-02 05:30 PM
    Governor Charlie Cristhas named his aide George LeMieux to fill the seat of Senator Mel Martinez until next year's midterm elections when Crist will run for the seat. America's Voice warns that the new Senator will ignore immigration to his own peril.

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  • chanduv23
    09-14 04:56 PM
    Yes this is the chance

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  • BigHache
    03-12 04:34 AM

    I recently came across this site looking for information, then stumbled upon this contest and thought I'd drop an entry. This was drawn with the Brush tool in Adobe Illustrator.


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  • Blog Feeds
    01-03 07:10 AM
    Arizona's reputation for right wing lunacy certainly will be enhanced by this effort. Or maybe there's some pretty rational thinking behind SB1070 and eliminating rights for American born citizens of Hispanic descent. 30% of Arizonans are Hispanic. 42% of all students from kindergarten through twelth grade are Hispanic and the percentage goes even higher for the younger grades. Even if the efforts don't stand up to constitutional muster, maybe the real goal is not to get rid of illegal present immigrants, but, rather, all Hispanics, whether they are legal immigrants, born in the US or illegally present. Hispanics vote overwhelmingly...

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  • immi_help3
    06-05 02:48 PM
    Hi All,

    How important is the location of the US embassy for getting the H1B visa stamping ? When applying for my H1B petition in April 2008, my lawyer had mentioned that I would be going to the US embassy in Germany for the H1B visa interview. I'm also aware that I could go to my home country for doing the same. However, does anyone know if I can go to Canada/Mexico, given that I have the visas to go to these countries ? I have a US H4 visa.



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  • waitin_toolong
    07-19 09:26 PM
    Interim EAD's are no longer an option since Sep 2006

    In case of emergency travel it is possible to get AP from local office

    But in case of extreme emergency like death in the family, funeral etc

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  • pani_6
    07-01 06:15 PM
    For people on EAD/AP apart from Fedral Loan what are the Avenues of getting Aid..also I learnt that its difficult to get Aid if you are part time..

    What is the intrest rate and how many years you got to pay it back by


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  • Cantamessa
    05-05 07:50 AM
    Hello i am new user for this site. so i do not enough this site. thanks

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-12 08:40 PM
    USCIS has issued a memorandum to Chileans in the US letting them know that various measures are in place to assist some who may face immigration obstacles due to the massive earthquake in their country: The grant of an application for change or extension of nonimmigrant status on behalf of a Chilean national who is currently in the United States, even in cases where the request is submitted after the individual�s authorized period of admission has expired; Re-parole of individuals granted parole by USCIS; Extension of certain grants of advance parole, expedited processing of advance parole requests; Expedited adjudication and...

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  • myk110
    02-08 04:12 PM
    Please help me. I am in a really odd situation.

    My I797 expires on Feb 10th (in 2 days!). My company did not know of the iCert change. iCert denied the first 2 LCA attempts for FEIN and prevailing wage issues. The new LCA (3rd attempt) won't have a result until the 15th.

    My i-94 and visa has expiration of in Oct 2011 (stamping officer's mistake). But I know, we can't rely on their mistakes.

    What can I do? Please advice..

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  • swaraj
    11-14 04:28 PM
    A friend of mine has submitted visa application fee and has made an appointment for visitor visa next week.
    Can someone please tell if there is any other requirement of making a draft for some other fees during the Visa interview? (I am confused because a couple of years ago we used to submit one more bank draft during Visa interview)
    Thanks for your advice


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  • bobmal
    04-15 08:29 PM

    Here is my situation.

    - I have an approved I140 by my current employer and waiting for 485 to become current.
    - I am in the 7th year of my H1 with current validity till mid 2011.

    In case I lose job with the current employer, and the employer withdraws H1-B and I140, what are the options I have?

    Can I transfer H1 or apply for H1-B with another employer? How much grace period I have to leave the country?

    Appreciate any help from you guys.

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  • Blog Feeds
    08-11 10:10 AM
    H1B Visa Lawyer Blog Has Just Posted the Following:
    The Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) Processing Times were released with processing dates as of August 1, 2010.

    If you filed an appeal, please review the links below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your particular case.

    Administrative Appeals Office (

    The current processing time for an I-129 H-1B Appeal is 13 months. The current processing time for an I-140 EB2 Appeal for an Advanced Degree Professional is 24 months; for an I-140EB3 Appeal for a Skilled or Professional Worker is 25 months.

    Most other cases are within USCIS's processing time goal of 6 months or less.

    More... (

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  • Comiccmadd
    07-19 04:46 PM
    really clever and funny design!! u should definitely print it :):)

    12-04 05:31 PM
    Old Tensions Test Congress; Democrats Seek A Political Center To Avoid Stalemate ( By David Rogers. Wall Street Journal, Dec 3, 2007

    WASHINGTON -- Congress returns today to face a pile of unfinished work, little time and many White House veto threats. With the budget process at risk of collapsing for the second time in as many years, there is a sense that lawmakers are back to where they started after the 2006 election: divided by Iraq but chasing the dream of a political center from which to govern.

    The best shot for Democrats is to find that center and build coalitions with moderate Republicans to complete Congress's agenda before the holidays. But the bitter divisions with President Bush over the Iraq war make that more difficult.

    "The more they take Bush to the woodshed on Iraq, the more difficult it is to bring over moderate Republicans," says Neil Newhouse, a Republican pollster.

    Compounding the problem are the moods swings and often combative nature of the Democratic leadership. Republicans tend to march four abreast, even if it means heading off a political cliff as in the 1995 government shutdown; Democrats resemble a family packed into a station wagon and yelling different directions at the driver.

    House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D., Wis.) is highly respected but can hurl insults and convey distrust even as he looks for compromise. "Against my better judgment, I am going to assume you will have good faith," he said of budget talks with Republicans. If there's not good faith? "It's not going to be pretty," Mr. Obey promises.

    Democrats, as the party charged with running Congress, would pay the heaviest price for stalemate. But Republicans aren't insulated from blame, especially if they are seen as walking away from compromises important to voters.

    The tensions reflect the twin legacies of the 2006 elections. Antiwar sentiment helped bring Democrats back to power while independent voters wanted an end to gridlock in Washington.

    Recent votes suggest a bipartisan consensus may be emerging. The passage of an energy bill with tougher fuel standards for cars appeals to independent voters. (See related article on page B1).

    In the mid-'90s, when Newt Gingrich's "Republican Revolution" collided with then-President Clinton, he never got more that 240 votes in early skirmishes over defense- and appropriations-bill vetoes. Current Speaker Nancy Pelosi has averaged 275 votes, thanks to Republican support for her efforts to expand child-care and education funding.

    This month's deadlines will sorely test the new majority. A stop-gap spending bill to keep the government operating expires Dec. 14. Middle-class households counting on tax refunds don't want to go into the New Year without protections from the alternative minimum tax. And the Pentagon says it will send out furlough notices before Christmas for thousands of civilian employees unless it gets more war money.

    Trying to avoid a collapse in the budget process, Democrats are trimming $10.6 billion from prior House and Senate spending bills, which will be packaged into a single omnibus package approaching $490 billion in discretionary appropriations.

    Most domestic accounts will be held to 3% increases over 2007 levels. Significant new money is preserved for veterans' medical care as well as $3 billion in emergency funds for border security, both bipartisan priorities. And after falling two votes short of overriding Mr. Bush's veto, a $150.8 billion labor, education and medical- research budget would be reduced by $3.6 billion.

    Other major issues include:

    Health Care

    The spending talks parallel efforts to win passage of a $35 billion, five-year expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Democrats will move to extend the program with additional funds to guard against state shortfalls at least through 2008. Republicans are seeking a line barring federal aid for any household whose gross income exceeds 300% of poverty or about $41,000 for a single parent and child. Democrats have agreed to such a cap for SCHIP but will want more concessions from moderates before extending the same requirement to much of Medicaid, the larger state-federal health-care program for the poor and disabled.


    With winter wheat planted and farmers seeking operating loans for next year's crops, there is growing anxiety at the pace of the farm bill, which has stalled in the Senate. Some type of extension may be needed, but Chuck Connor, the acting Agriculture secretary, says "there is still time to get this done."

    The threshold test could be whether lawmakers embrace the administration's goal of barring subsidies to any farmer with adjusted gross income above $200,000. "That would be an important signal," said Mr. Connor, suggesting that the administration would be more willing then to show some flexibility about Congress's demands.

    03-18 08:42 AM
    So I am trying to create an ellipse which has a few bumps in its shape(path),
    I want to be able to dynamically create new shapes that have a different
    path each time a new one is created. Any one have any idea about how
    to go abotu the concept for this?

    Dont need code just need ideas on best ways to go about this.

    Thanks in advanced.... :mario:

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  • sw33t
    07-27 03:30 PM
    Please PM me if you are interested.

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  • nefrateedi
    09-25 04:19 PM
    Hi Everyone,

    The A# that is listed on my I-485 receipt notice is different from the one listed on my approved I-140. In addition, the number listed on my I-485 receipt notice has only 8 digits instead of 9. From reading various forums, I've heard both sides of the story...some are saying that something like this needs to be corrected, and some others are saying that the A# is just a file number, and eventually gets consolidated.

    I called USCIS customer service, but they weren't much help as they couldn't pull up the information in their system.

    Any inputs? I'm planning on inquiring about this when I go for fingerprinting. Also curious to know if anyone's A# on their approved I-140 has nine digits, and if the one on the I-485 receipt notice only has 8 digits.


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  • madhavan_vs
    10-12 08:57 PM
    The I-485 case of mine, my wife and son was approved on Aug 5 2010. My case is EB2 and priority date is Jan 2006. When I enquired USCIS 2 weeks back on not receiving the physical cards for us yet, we got a reply mail for all of us that USCIS is waiting for our biometrics. Why is a biometrics needed after I-485 is approved? Me and my wife gave our biometrics last September only.
    We are not sure when we will receive our biometrics notice and how long will it take to get our physical cards after that? Please guide me on this.


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  • kirupa
    10-12 10:16 PM
    Welcome to the forums :)

    I have added your entry to the list!


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  • vivekv
    09-22 02:41 PM
    Hi All,
    USCIS has mailed my wife two different EADs upon renewal. The first EAD sent to us has a 2yr validity. About a couple of weeks later, she got another one, this time with a 1yr validity.

    I spoke with my attorneys and they seem to indicate that the one with the 2yr validity should be the valid document of reference from here on.

    My questions are,
    1) have any of you experienced this kind of a goof up before?
    2) do I just take my lawyer's word for it and ignore one of them?

    Please advise...


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  • ras
    01-11 11:36 PM
    I have my I 140 and I 485 (Aug 07 filer) for a future employment from a small company with EB2 as software engineer. I 140 still pending and got an RFE. I got the EAD. In a month am going to finish 180 days.

    Currently, I work for Fortune's Best software company as sr. software QA engineer. My company wants to go ahead filing for my GC.

    As this current company being a best american software company and I can stay for any longer, I wish to go ahead with filing for a fresh GC. However, I was wondering how I could use the benefits of the priority date from the previous 485 filing mentioned above. my company attorney suggests that am eligible for EB3 where as my 485 already filed is under EB2.

    What would be the implication if my current employers files for EB3 and my previous I 485 filing is under EB2. What are the options that are available for leveraging the benefits of my previous filing or using EAD?

    What is the best course of action.

    Thanks for ur inputs.


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  • chanduv23
    10-04 07:07 PM
    Tri State has a volunteer Mr Mukund who has dedicated his time and efforts in developing this portal

    This will be the focal point for information and activities in the Tri State Area.

    Tri State members, please add a link to this site to your signature.

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  • sgadsing
    08-21 12:41 AM
    I have a VISA appointment in Vancouver, CA for stamping my US H1 B visa.
    I was wondering if anyone has gotten there H1 B stamped from Vancouver lately. I want to know if they hold on your passport for a day and return it to you next day or do they return it on same day?
    I need to plan on my return trip. Any help is appreciated.


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  • kirupa
    07-19 04:41 PM

    You have until 11:59 PST on July 20th to get your entry in, so you are actually more than a day early :P

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  • Blog Feeds
    05-17 12:40 PM
    The Los Angeles City Council has approved a measure barring city workers for traveling to Arizona on official business and also banning the city from contracting with Arizona businesses. Some contracts for key infrastructure items are not affected, but the LA Times estimates that the vote will cost Arizona upwards of $8 million per year. The biggest contracts not affected are those involving the airport and sea port. But the civilian panels overseeing them are considering canceling contracts worth $26 million. On Monday, Boulder, Colorado will vote on a similar measure. San Jose votes next month.

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  • EB2_Jun03_dude
    01-09 10:41 AM
    I am planning to apply for my EAD/AP renewal. This would be my 4th EAD/AP application, but this is the first time I am planning to e-file.

    My I-485 was filed with VSC but later got transfered to TSC. While my wife's I-485 is transfered to Newark, NJ USCIS local office. Given this situation where should be the supporting documents be sent ?
    1) VSC: since all my previous EAD/AP were applied there
    2) TSC: since my case is currently pending here.
    3) what @ my wife's EAD/AP renewal? here case is pending at local USCIS office.

    :confused: :confused:

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  • Blog Feeds
    04-26 11:30 AM
    Tough talk from the Senate Majority Leader. Some, including my good friend Tamar Jacoby, think this is a really bad idea. I'm not so sure. I think fear of losing the Hispanic vote for a generation or more and the sudden urgency of the situation created by the Arizona fiasco could make responsible Republicans at least seek to block a filibuster and allow for a majority vote (as seems likely with financial regulatory reform). But Tamar is right that we'll get a better bill if pro-business Republicans play a role since some of the overreaching protectionist efforts of the unions...

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  • Blog Feeds
    01-11 10:50 AM
    The New York Times carried on its front page this morning a Nina Bernstein article that will no doubt cause a shake up at Immigration and Customs Enforcement over what can only be described as a major scandal in the way the agency has dealt with sick detainees at the agency's detention facilities around the country. The details described by Bernstein will no doubt enrage you. The obvious monumental effort Ms. Bernstein put in to bringing this story will also likely move her on to the short list for a Pulitzer Prize for this hard-hitting piece of journalism.

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  • Head2GC
    02-08 05:17 PM
    My company filed a new PERM application recently. I have a EB3 I-140 approved from my old employer ( Approved in August 2009). My attorney had filed the new PERM and requested to capture the same date. Will this cause any problems? Below is the question that is asked in ETA9089 form.

    1. Are you seeking to utilize the filing date from a previously submitted application for Alien Employment Certification (ETA 750) ?

    Did anybody had come across this issue. Your feedback is appreciated.


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  • Blog Feeds
    07-15 04:40 PM
    Thanks to reader Adi for the link. Huffington Post reports on a data compiled by America's Voice showing crime in Arizona dropping dramatically across the state for most of the last decade EXCEPT for the area controlled by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Which goes to show you that facts matter very little to Arizonans buying into the antis arguments.

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  • pepch
    03-02 03:18 PM
    I have applied for my I140 under EB2, I have a question regarding a gab between my employments. I worked for a company A from Dec 2005 to Feb 2007 and then I switched employers, and I was between projects. The next company I started working for gave me an offer letter only when I found a project (May 2007). So technically there is a 2 month gap. Even the experience letters from that company says I have started work from May 2007.
    I'm not sure if this will cause a problem in my I140 stage. Kindly advice.

    I have changed two companies after that and I'm filing my GC through the current company. Any response will be much appreciated.


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  • sw33t
    07-27 03:30 PM
    Please PM me if you are interested.

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  • Blog Feeds
    06-17 09:10 AM
    I am happy to report that the USCIS has approved the P-1B visa application that I filed on behalf of Superman is Dead (, an Indonesian band, that will be appearing on Warped Tour �09 (

    I will post again with more details about the approval in the next day or two.

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  • Bobby Digital
    September 24th, 2005, 09:20 PM
    Sorry Steve,

    I was using a different web browser (Mozilla) and it wasn't showing the image. I've always used it and it has worked fine, but for some reason these two pics it won't show. On Explorer it will, sorry for the trouble. All ok.

    Company Address change [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Company Address change

    07-14 06:14 PM
    I filed my I-485 and I-140 together in July 2007 using substitute labor (priority date) in Eb3 category.
    I have Master degree, so can I change my category from EB3 to EB2 and keep the same priority date?
    Thanks in advance and any help would be great.

    No, you can not. there are lot more factors than your qualification.

    02-19 10:08 AM

    Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People

    images Kristen Stewart and Robert Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Kristen Stewart and Robert
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert

  • vinzak
    12-03 09:47 PM
    I had applied for an EAD and AP renewal in April 09. While I received my EAD and AP at the end of April 09, the EAD case in CRIS was still showing "Initial Decision".

    Today I got a random email from CRIS saying that my EAD case is in post-decision activity and that they mailed my card in April 09 (DUH!!!).

    When I go to check my cases in CRIS, my 485, EAD, AP from last year and AP from this year all show a soft LUD on 12/3/10.

    Does this mean I have been preadjudicated? Or is this just a random event? Or does it mean dark clouds ahead???????

    wallpaper Kristen Stewart and Robert Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Pictures of Robert Pattinson,
  • Pictures of Robert Pattinson,

  • WeShallOvercome
    11-01 01:14 PM
    I sent my EAD application on 10/24(Wednesday), reached NSC on 10/26(Friday), Notice date 10/29(Monday), Check cashed 10/30(Tuesday)..Already got I-485 receipts back in August.

    So they are Current now.... But what about those July/Aug filers who are still waiting for their receipts? Very unfair to them. I could wait for 2 months to get my EAD receipt if they could first receipt all july august filers...

    They are really unpredictable..

    Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. You#39;ll realize that Robert
  • You#39;ll realize that Robert

  • chanduv23
    11-09 03:21 PM
    Thanks for your support Ms. Reddy
    We are hoping that all of us with realize that the time is NOW to act for ourselves and not wait for someone else to do it.

    Really inspiring indeed.

    2011 Pictures of Robert Pattinson, Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • dhirajs98
    05-04 02:54 PM

    My lawyer received an RFE on my EB3/RIR labor cert on priority date 01/26/04In Feb sometime and responded back exactly on the last day (03/01/07) it was due. I have not heard anything back from DBEC since then. Anyone here have any idea how much time they take to approve the labor after RFE is responded back, if at all they do approve it? I know couple of my friends in CA who got their labor approved within a month after their RFE was responded back. My labor was filed from WI.

    Please post your experiences if anyone experienced this before. The RFE was about company's financial document. I am not worried about the financial status of the company as it is doing pretty good from last 3-4 years consistently.

    any info on this issue will be appreciated.




    Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Kristen Stewart and Robert
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert

  • sury
    02-05 08:53 PM
    My friend is having a software consulting company and is also planning to launch a Jobsite. He was confused he can do so as he is running software company..

    Please advise..

    Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Taylor Lautner Kristen Stewart
  • Taylor Lautner Kristen Stewart

  • HereIComeGC
    02-25 02:46 PM
    I work in Philadelphia area. I have received a Job offer in NYC area which offers me a salary 70-80% more than what I earn now. Job responsibilities and descriptions are pretty much the same in new position.

    I would like to run it by a good lawyer to make sure there would not be an issue with AC21 (I am well past 180 days now).

    Can anyone recommend a good lawyer?

    Thank you


    Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Kristen Stewart and Robert
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert

  • Syous
    07-10 04:33 PM
    i am voting for this one, period.

    2010 You#39;ll realize that Robert Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Kristen Stewart and Robert
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert

  • kirupa
    10-31 06:24 AM
    The image's size seems to be too large. Please use the size provided in the template :)


    Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Last year, Robert Pattinson
  • Last year, Robert Pattinson

  • geniousatwork
    06-23 02:21 PM
    You referring to FLC Data Center website? (

    hair Robert Pattinson and Kristen Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. rob-kristen
  • rob-kristen

  • Blog Feeds
    02-05 06:40 PM
    Immigration policies at today's USCIS may change in a flash. They can be announced and then, without forewarning or explanation, withdrawn in the milliseconds it takes for the agency's webmaster at to push the upload and delete buttons. At times they are as reliable and ephemeral as the inducements of a carnival barker. Take for example a January 19, 2010 policy memo, "Signatures on Applications and Petitions Filed with USCIS" (penned by USCIS Acting Deputy Director, Lauren Kielsmeier). The memo appeared evanescently and then, as Ron Ziegler, Richard Nixon's former press secretary in the Watergate era, might have said,...

    More... (


    Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • immigration07
    06-18 03:34 PM
    Dear All,

    My spouse is on G4 visa working in worldbank. I want to know whether there will be any restrictions in adjustment of status while I file for my 485 in July

    Thanks for help in advance


    hot Kristen Stewart and Robert Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Rob Pattinson(Edward Cullen)
  • Rob Pattinson(Edward Cullen)

  • cj4ualways
    09-11 03:40 PM
    I am on H-1B with a company and have been through my 4years of H-1. Now they are saying that they might not be able to apply for my PR before the start of my 6th year of H-1 and are offering me the following option: Need to leave US and go back to India or any other country, will be paid US salary and then after one year will be brought back on a L-1A visa. Now my question is can they pay in US dollars while i am outside US and still be able to come back on L-1A visa? or do i need to change into local payroll?


    house Robert Pattinson, Kristen Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Actors Kristen Stewart and
  • Actors Kristen Stewart and

  • desi3933
    06-22 03:12 PM

    Here is my situation, my PD is March 05 and my 140 is pending for the past 3 months. Do you guys think if I get my 140 approved by Premium processing it would increase my chances of 485 approval this fiscal year? BTW, as its obvious from my PD I will be filing my 485 in July, God willing.


    Have any done ANY research at all before posting this?

    tattoo Taylor Lautner Kristen Stewart Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Robert Pattinson, Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson, Kristen

  • Queen Josephine
    January 6th, 2005, 09:22 PM
    Ooops... I posted my reply to the pic in the gallery! To reiterate here, I love this photo... the only distracting aspect is the deteriorating wall in the shadows on the left. I played with some creative cloning and removed it and quite liked the results. Other than that, the color, symetry and lighting all come together in a really compelling way. It's one of my personal favorites!

    Got EAD card 3 months back. Finger printing done. [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Got EAD card 3 months back. Finger printing done.


    pictures Kristen Stewart and Robert Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Robert Pattinson and Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson and Kristen

  • fatboysam
    10-29 03:25 AM
    On my last exit from USA , I was not carrying original i797 so I gave photocopy of i94, I am returning back to USA now, what shall I do ? Now I have the originals too..

    Please suggest

    dresses Rob Pattinson(Edward Cullen) Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Robert Pattinson Kirsten
  • Robert Pattinson Kirsten

  • kumar1
    03-15 04:30 PM
    I filed paper based AP at Nebraska service center and got AP in 5 weeks. Pretty painless except paying them 300 for 2 pieces of paper is outrageous.


    makeup Last year, Robert Pattinson Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Robert Pattinson, Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson, Kristen

  • Steven-T
    November 4th, 2003, 02:19 PM


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  • new-moon-robert-pattinson-and-

  • eagle2020
    05-19 09:32 AM

    I have a relative who is trying to obtain an F1 visa from Dubai where he works as a script writer. He is trying to go to the US to study broadcasting and get only an associate degree so it can help him in his I have few questions:

    1- Will it be helpful and can he mention in his interview at the US embassy that he will be writing scripts to his company(which he gets paid for) while being in the US?

    2- Does he need an f1 visa if he tries to apply to a vocational school? or does he need another type of visa for the vocational school?

    Thank you very much for answering!!

    hairstyles Robert Pattinson and Kristen Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart At People. Robert Pattinson Kirsten
  • Robert Pattinson Kirsten

  • rkumar18
    06-03 05:34 PM
    Hi All,
    I just called USCIS using the POJ method to check on my I485 status which is current for June (EB2 India PD is 3/20/04).
    IO said a visa needs to be ordered for the file and it will be done in the next quarter i.e, July 08.She also said the file will not be assigned to the IO unless the visa is ordered??
    Does this mean that all the visas for EB2 have been used for this quarter? Also, not sure why the file wont be worked on until the visa is ordered...which contradicts the pre-adjudication theory.


    02-12 11:31 PM

    I am currently working on H1B visa. I also had an EAD which expired 2 months back & I applied for renewal of the EAD last month. I am at the risk of being laid off by my current employer & they will withdraw my H1B if that happens. Here are my queries-

    (1) If I lose my H1 status & my EAD approval is still pending, what do I need to do? If I am unable to find a new H1B sponsor, will I have to leave US immediately?

    (2) Will my H1 cancellation have any effect on my EAD & AP renewal petition?

    (3) Can I return to US & work after my AP & EAD are approved?

    (4) If my EAD approval happens before my H1B visa is revoked, can I legally stay & work in US on the basis of ONLY the EAD?

    Thanks in advance for your advice!

    December 28th, 2004, 05:03 PM
    Thanks for the feedback!